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Confidence, Mojo, Physiology

5 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Confidence

Getting your mojo back isn’t just about being in great shape, although it is mostly that 🙂 How can you be the best version of yourself if you’re carrying around extra pounds and low on energy and motivation? As Tony Robbins says, our psychology is what makes us or breaks us. 80% of success in everything we do in life is down to psychology, and 20% mechanics. And the no. 1 method to change your state – your psychology – is by moving your body and being in the best physical shape you can be in. Tony Schwartz said the same thing in The Power Of Full Engagement – the no.1 method for emotional renewal is aerobic exercise. Anyway, enough about that. This post is about establishing confidence in other ways, past physical fitness.  What’s the no. 1 thing a woman finds attractive in a man? Confidence! True story. This is from and well worth 5 minutes out of your time to read.

Self-confident people are admired by others and inspire confidence in others. They face their fears head-on and tend to be risk takers. They know that no matter what obstacles come their way, they have the ability to get past them. Self-confident people tend to see their lives in a positive light even when things aren’t going so well, and they are typically satisfied with and respect themselves.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have this kind of self-confidence, every day of the week? Guess what? You can.

“Low self-confidence isn’t a life sentence. Self-confidence can be learned, practiced, and mastered–just like any other skill. Once you master it, everything in your life will change for the better.” –Barrie Davenport

It comes down to one simple question: If you don’t believe in yourself, how do you expect anybody else to?

Try some of the tips listed below. Don’t just read them and put them on the back burner. Really begin to practice them daily, beginning today. You might have to fake it at first and merely appear to be self-confident, but eventually you will begin to feel the foundation of self-confidence grow within you. With some time and practice (this is not an overnight phenomenon), you too can be a self-confident person, both inside and out, whom others admire and say “Yes!” to.

1. Stay away from negativity and bring on the positivity

This is the time to really evaluate your inner circle, including friends and family. This is a tough one, but it’s time to seriously consider getting away from those individuals who put you down and shred your confidence. Even a temporary break from Debbie Downer can make a huge difference and help you make strides toward more self-confidence.

Be positive, even if you’re not feeling it quite yet. Put some positive enthusiasm into your interactions with others and hit the ground running, excited to begin your next project. Stop focusing on the problems in your life and instead begin to focus on solutions and making positive changes.

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Interestingly the last part is about gratitude – but he doesn’t call it that. He calls it if your great list. Making a list of everything you’re grateful for. Try it, I’ve been doing it on and off for a a year or so now and it’s pretty powerful.

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