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Oestrogen, Supplementation, Testosterone
Belly fat and low testosterone

Belly Fat And Low Testosterone

If you’re experiencing low energy, low motivation, depression, anxiety, low libido, fat gain and lack of focus – and you have belly fat – the chances are, that your testosterone levels are too low. The reason for this is that belly fat contains the enzyme aromatase which converts testosterone to two different types of oestrogen. The killer, is that the more oestrogen you have as a result of belly fat, the more fat you’ll store, as oestrogen promotes fat storage so that’s a double whammy of oestrogen and fat storage. The key therefore then, is to reduce belly fat to a minimal amount so you can increase testosterone. Check out this article from Dr Oz:

Low Testosterone: Testosterone levels decrease as abdominal fat converts it to oestrogen, and also with increasing stress. While you are under stress, your body will tend to make more stress hormone (cortisol) than testosterone. Testosterone levels tend to taper off with aging, obesity and stress, but today men are experiencing testosterone decline much earlier in life. This is quite an alarming finding, considering low testosterone has been linked to depression, obesity, osteoporosis, heart disease and even death. Researchers from the University of Washington found that men with low testosterone are more likely to develop a potbelly and other body fat. They also found that testosterone may prompt the loss of body fat when deficient levels are replaced. Other signs that you may have low testosterone levels include a loss of muscle tissue, depression, and decreased strength, stamina, drive and motivation. If you have your testosterone levels measured with a blood test, be sure to ask that both free and total testosterone be measured.

Hormone Diet Solution: The herb tribulus terrestris may help raise levels by reducing the binding of testosterone to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) without side effects. Zinc supplements may also help raise testosterone levels, as will weight training. Ensure sufficient intake of protein for healthy levels of testosterone too. Read full article here.

Since higher levels of testosterone promotes fat loss, you may find it useful to take a natural supplement that helps your body increase testosterone. NOTE – this is NOT a synthetic hormone which is not good for your body in the longterm! Rather, pure plant-derived supplements are the way to go if you’re experiencing low testosterone, which is bound to be the case if you’re carrying around excess belly fat. Always get tested by a professional before taking any supplementation but zinc is a good start to help your body create more testosterone, as mentioned above, as is plenty of protein, organic eggs, green vegetables and cutting right back on high starch carbs and sugar – which will all reduce your testosterone. Strength and resistance training and high intensity training are also excellent ways to increase your testosterone.



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