• Day One - Warm Up, Bodyweight Squats, Standard Lunges, Narrow Push Ups, Standard Ab Crunch
  • Day Two - 20-30 mins of gentle cardio
  • Day Three - 20-30 mins of gentle cardio
  • Day Four - Warm Up, Bodyweight Squats, Side Lunges, Chin Up (assisted with resistance bands), ab crunch with ab ball or standard ab crunch
  • Day Five - 20-30 mins of gentle cardio
  • Day Six - 15 minutes of sprints for 30 seconds at a time - High Intensity Interval Training
  • Day Seven - Rest

Full Body Dynamic Warm Up

The above video goes through all the exercises mentioned in the ebook except for the pull up - which are excellent if you have the strength. Exercises include the bodyweight squat (legs), push ups (arms, shoulders, back, core), lunges (legs) and sit ups (stomach/abdominals).


Bodyweight Squats

Isolation / Forward Lunges

Lunges work your glutes in your hips and butt along with the hamstrings and quadriceps in your thighs. The calf muscles in your lower legs, your abdominal muscles and your back muscles act as stabilisers during this exercise. Vary these each week but keep the same technique for 3 sets. Do as many as you can each time with a short break in between. 

Side Lunges


Ab Crunches (Sit Ups) - Standard

Sit ups work all your abdominal muscles when you vary the actions from week to week. The important thing to remember with sit ups is not to strain your neck or back. There's no need for anyone to hold your feet down and the most effective sit ups are done slowly and up to about 45 degrees. Do as many as you can comfortably and aim for 3 sets. Never lose form so don't push it.

Note: Don't be thinking that doing countless sit-ups will reveal your abs! They will indeed build your abs, but the only way to reveal them is to burn fat around your belly - for which training the largest muscle groups is most effective, combined with steady-paced cardio and high intensity interval training.

Ab Crunches (Sit Ups) With Abdominal Ball


Push Ups

Push ups are a great compound exercise. They work all the muscles in your back, shoulders, triceps and to some extent your biceps. Do 3 sets, each time doing as many as you can to failure. This will vary a lot according to the individual. You can mix them up between hands shoulder width apart, wide handed and diamond.

Chin Ups

Muscles worked: Biceps, back, shoulders, pecs, abdominals. If you want to get geeky, they are: the middle and lower trapezius, rhomboids, pectoralis major and minor, deltoids, infraspinatus, latissimus dorsi, teres major, subscapularis, biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum profundus, flexor digitorum superficialis, and flexor pollicis longus, external oblique, and erector spinae.  A lot of muscles activated by one movement! 6BandAssistedCUChin ups / pull ups are one of the most challenging exercises so don't be surprised if you cannot do one. To make them easier, you can use long resistance bands by wrapping them under your feet or knees and over the bar you're pulling up on (see pic below). The alternative is to use a chin up machine in the gym which provides a counter balance. Obviously at home, this is a little more challenging.


Welcome to Week Two of the Mojo Multiplier Blueprint. Here are your exercises for the week. Don't be scared by the chin ups - you can do them assisted with the use of resistance bands. Purchase a chin up bar that goes in a doorway for home exercises - or find a climbing frame! These are excellent as they span so many muscle groups as you'll see below.