an imperfect blueprint – Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy Burn fat, increase metabolism, raise testosterone and get your mojo back Sun, 29 Mar 2020 22:02:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mojo Divider – 10 Ways To Ensure You Lose Your Mojo Wed, 23 Sep 2015 03:11:20 +0000 I thought I’d try a something a little different today. I was inspired to write this post when writing the conclusion to my second book which I’ll be announcing soon. I thought about the idea of rather writing a “blueprint” for guaranteed success, I’d provide you now with an imperfect blueprint of exactly what to do ...

The post Mojo Divider – 10 Ways To Ensure You Lose Your Mojo appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

I thought I’d try a something a little different today. I was inspired to write this post when writing the conclusion to my second book which I’ll be announcing soon. I thought about the idea of rather writing a “blueprint” for guaranteed success, I’d provide you now with an imperfect blueprint of exactly what to do to ensure you sabotage your health and your mojo – namely, how to disrupt your hormones for maximum fat gain, how to lose muscle, decrease your energy, experience severe energy fluctuations, induce unnecessary fatigue, lower your libido and sex appeal and how to have an abundance of stress. Who doesn’t want all of those things?!

If you follow these guidelines, rest assured, you will be on the road to serious fat gain, maybe type-2 diabetes in the medium term as a result of insulin resistance, and also you’ll create solid foundations for many illnesses in later life! Doesn’t this sound cheery?!

Here’s the imperfect blueprint:

1. Wake up and look at your phone to welcome your day with distractions of texts, missed calls, social media and email. You’re on someone else’s time immediately – a brilliant start to the day.

2. Don’t exercise daily – not exercising is a depressant. You’ll be sluggish and under-perform and carry around stress for the rest of the day.  If you hardly ever exercise and live a mostly sedentary lifestyle, your immune system won’t work either as your lymphatic system requires movement for it to work – that’s the part of the immune system responsible for excreting dead cells including cancer cells. [Exercise doesn’t need to be in the morning, but movement daily and getting your heart rate up is a must.]

To be more sedentary, make sure you sit in a chair all day long. The chair has been touted as the worst invention ever for our backs. They cause our spines to unfavourably change shape. Back pain comes from being inactive, sitting down, bad posture, pent up emotions, stress and poor diet. Be still and rest assured you’ll suffer from back pain. It’s ok though, drugs will cover up the pain…

3. For breakfast, have a “healthy” wholegrain cereal with milk. This will induce a surge of insulin after your blood sugars spike like an injection of heroine. This will get you feeling nice and high for a short while, then your energy levels will plummet. This is because the hormone, insulin extracts the excess blood sugar from your blood so your blood doesn’t become toxic. If you do this for most of your life, you’ll stand a strong chance of becoming insulin resistant and develop systematic/chronic inflammation and type-2 diabetes. (Type 2 diabetes used to be called Adult Onset Diabetes but since really young kids are now diagnosed it, the name was changed to Type 2 diabetes. True story.)

To add insult to injury, most people are allergic to grains in some form or another, particularly wheat. If you’re in the US, most grains are of a very poor quality (thanks to Monsanto and their offensive GMO crop and Roundup pesticide treatment – 100% proven to sabotage hormones, create kidney and liver malfunction, increase oestrogen in males and induce multiple tumours on lab-tested rats. Watch GMO OMG for more information). Grains contain anti-nutrients – gluten, lectin and phytates. The majority of healthy-looking cereals are simply not healthy. They also contain sugar, artificial flavourings, preservatives, and oils that would be better suited for a car engine.

Oh…and milk is designed for maybe cows to grow fast. If you’re not a baby cow (aka a calf), there’s a strong chance you shouldn’t be consuming cow’s milk. 75% of the population are lactose intolerant. I wonder why. Maybe it’s because cow’s milk is designed for baby cows to grow fast. I wish there were some clues.

4. While you’re eating breakfast, watch the news. This is a great way to ensure all the negative events that are happening around the world are fed directly into your subconscious mind to instil fear. When you’re ridden with fear, you can rest assured you’ll never take action on any great ideas you have and develop a scarcity around so many things, like money, relationships, opposite sex (or same if you’re that way inclined), trust etc.

5. Smoke cigarettes after breakfast (and before) and throughout the day. Have one before bedtime too – great to suppress testosterone. Smoking causes inflammation of the lungs, throat, veins and arteries and starves your vital organs of oxygen. It negatively impacts hormones and contributes to a host of other health problems. Do you remember the first cigarette you smoked? Pretty rank wasn’t it. That was your brain saying: “Hey, dick head, what the hell are you doing?!!!” Societal and cultural conditioning with multi million dollar ad campaigns are what led us to think smoking was a great idea.

6.  Have a “healthy” wholegrain farmed salmon sandwich or wrap for lunch with a slice of lettuce and cucumber / tomato to get your nutrients. Hmmm. Ditto what I said above about healthy whole grains. To make this a worse situation, you could have a refined white bread sandwich which has been bleached and had every last nutrient and fibre stripped of it. White bread (and any white carb) induces an even sharper blood sugar spike and insulin release. When this is done repeatedly, day after day, week after week, year after year, you’re on the road to developing insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes among other illnesses and diseases.

Farmed salmon is one of the most offensive inflammatory foods money can buy. The proportion of Omega-6 to Omega-3 is completely out of whack and should not be consumed by human beings.  A slice of cucumber and lettuce is about 0.0000000000000000000001% of the micronutrient (vitamin and mineral) requirement we human beings need on a daily basis. I might have made that figure up, but it’s a minuscule fraction.

6. Snack on crisps (chips if you’re in the US) which are typically fried in hydrogenated oils – a highly toxic trans fat which in its normal state is too thick to put through a car engine. To make the oil thinner, it is heated to extreme temperatures and a metal catalyst is added to the mix to thin it. It’s then cooled down so we can feed it to our children (I don’t have children, but just wanted to paint a picture of what’s happening here). If you’re not a fan of these healthy crisps, you can be “super healthy” and have a protein bar loaded with soy protein isolate and soy lecithin (evil beyond evil), sugar, artificial flavourings, preservatives, chemicals, poor quality whey protein (from hormone-richly injected cows) and GMO ingredients. Yum. You’ll be getting protein though – and if you’re lucky, you’ll develop a kidney stone or two. Word on the grapevine says passing them is the male equivalent of childbirth. I’m not sure about that, I had my back waxed yesterday and that was way painful.

7. Have GMO grain-fed chicken/turkey/pork or hormone injected beef for dinner with a side portion of cooked pesticide-rich vegetables that have had most micronutrients stripped of them in the cooking process – if any nutrients are lucky enough to have survived the journey from where they were grown, to your mouth. Hopefully the preservatives will have kept them looking fresh so can can gobble them up thinking they’re healthy. Have 1/3 – 1/2 of your plate loaded with high glycemic carbs like pasta or rice or white potatoes to make your insulin spike again. You’ll experience that happy high for a short while.

8. Drink lots of alcohol during dinner and before bed so you don’t sleep properly. This will ensure your hormones are imbalanced (besides alcohol itself causing an imbalance) and not a lot of human growth hormone is released during REM (the fountain of youth hormone), your brain can’t do all of its filing as it’s meant to, and your memory will suffer. If you’re lucky, your brain might actually shrink as a result of unresolved stress and emotions.

9. Don’t do yoga. Don’t meditate. Don’t strength-train. Don’t exercise (I might have already mentioned that). Don’t do anything to calm the mind and alleviate stress in a productive way.

10. Watch TV all evening to “wind down” (escape reality) and don’t communicate/talk with your partner or family or friends. This will ensure you do not deal with emotions and over time this will harm your own health and those around you.

Wow!!! What do you think of that? Controversial much? Isn’t this how many of us are living our lives in today’s fast-paced competitive world of instant gratification mindsets? I wish there were some clues why so many are so highly stressed, dying early and suffering from all sorts of chronic degenerative diseases.

My next book is revealing the truth behind a killer that lies beneath, how it leads to most chronic diseases and illnesses and why no one is talking about it. Think money. Think bottom dollar. Watch this space.

The post Mojo Divider – 10 Ways To Ensure You Lose Your Mojo appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.
