living your purpose – Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy Burn fat, increase metabolism, raise testosterone and get your mojo back Sun, 29 Mar 2020 22:02:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 12 Lies You Must Stop Telling Yourself Tue, 05 May 2015 11:56:25 +0000 Further to last week’s post when I featured 12 habits of highly courageous people, I found this very cool article on Dumb Little Man. Having studied psychology for the last few years in my own time, reading copious amounts of books, attending seminars, listening to audio books, many of which are by Tony Robbins and even ...

The post 12 Lies You Must Stop Telling Yourself appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

Further to last week’s post when I featured 12 habits of highly courageous people, I found this very cool article on Dumb Little Man. Having studied psychology for the last few years in my own time, reading copious amounts of books, attending seminars, listening to audio books, many of which are by Tony Robbins and even lately doing a ‘transformational’ program, it’s become increasingly clear how many of us are held back by the stories we tell ourselves, and often on a subconscious level. We all have a past and often we can think of an event or several that have engrained in our brains and prevented us – often unknowingly – from pursuing our dreams. We’re also conditioned by culture, society, the media, our parents (with only their best intentions of course), our parent’s parents, teachers, friends, piers who have all been conditioned themselves. Unless we free ourselves from limiting beliefs and act in spite of fear, many will never live their dreams and accept the societal way of living as the only way to live. 70% of the US population are dissatisfied with their working lives – this is so sad, given that we typically work 5 days a week for 48 weeks a year. Check out these 12 lies you must stop telling yourself so you can pursue your dreams, and your purpose, and multiply your mojo. After all, a man’s main mission, should be to live his purpose. When a man is living his purpose, he has maximum mojo. I read that on the back of a match box 🙂

12 Lies You Must Stop Telling Yourself

Do you know your lies can become your truth? Yes, they can, if you repeat them long enough and believe them hard enough.

When you allow your dreams to die, your life becomes meaningless, unfulfilling and sad. You are robbed of your joy, your happiness, your gifts and your purpose for being here. Many people live and die and never fulfilled their purpose because they believe the lies others told them.

There are so many people with untapped potential and ingenious ideas who will never realize they do because they were lied to and have accepted those lies as the truth.

That’s what happens when you have been told over and over again that you couldn’t accomplish your goals and aspirations.

Once you believe those lies, they will become self-fulfilling prophesies. They then become your truth.

You accept them as the way things are going to be.
Have you ever stop to consider why you are the way you are or why you do the things you do? Many times the lie you were told as a child have taken root and your truth are all lies.

Most of us were lied to as children by adults who told us that we wouldn’t amount to anything. Then, you had no control over how you felt about yourself but as an adult you can change the way you see yourself.
Today is the day to correct all the lies you’ve unconsciously accepted as true and live in your truth. Begin the healing process; start living and thriving to be all you can be. It is all up to you now.
You have to disown all the false assumptions about who you are and what you can or cannot do. These are the lies planted in your head, and you have held on to and made your truth. You now have the power to undo all that you were told, and you need to do so now.
Below are just some of the lies you were told that you now need to think of as lies and to believe otherwise:-

1. They can do that, but you can’t

Think about it seriously, we all have been there and done it. We see successful people and many times said to ourselves they can but not us. Why not you? What separates them from you, but you believe that indeed you can’t. That is a lie, and you need to know it. You need to turn that lie around and say to yourself today – if they can do it ……so can I.

2. In order to do B, I must do A first

How many times we have had dreams of accomplishing something, and we kill those dreams because we’ve been told that in order to do it, we must accomplish something else first. That is another lie you need to dispel. You want to do B, find a way to do B without accomplishing A or work on both at the same time. Chart your path. That’s a lie you have been telling yourself for so long, and you must now stop believing.

3. I do not feel up to it

That is another lie your mind has been telling you for years. You do not allow your feelings to dictate what you can or cannot do. You are in control of how you feel, and if your temporary mood is telling you not to, you need to change that. You are more powerful than your emotions. You control how you feel and when you feel something. You have the power to get yourself into the mood to complete that task.

4. I am too old/broke/young to change

Your financial state or age should never be the reason not to go after your dreams. Never let your age or financial situation keep you from going after what you want. Look around you, there are people of all ages, financial status going out and doing great things. You need to quit believing those lies and go full force after what you want. It is never too late.

5. It is easier said than done

Indeed, it is easier said than done because if it were easy everybody would have done it. That is something you have to understand. Nothing in life worth having is going to come easy. You need to say to yourself that if I want it I must be prepared to work harder than everyone else. You must want it badly enough to do whatever it takes to get it.

6. I am unlucky

That is an excuse we all use for doing the crazy things we sometimes do. There is no such thing as being lucky. Luck is opportunity meeting preparation. You must be prepared to make your luck. You must work hard and be prepared for opportunities when they arise. Sitting back and waiting for things to happen won’t do. Forge your path in life.

7. Life is unfair

Why would you think such a thing? Nobody has been given a guide on life. How do you know what is or isn’t fair? It is life. You need to be able to see things as normal course of life and not that it is working against you. Who defines what is fair and what isn’t? Everybody has challenges, and that includes you. You are no different from anyone else. You need to get used to the fact that things will happen that you do not like, but that is how life is and work with it.

Continue reading on Dumb Little

The post 12 Lies You Must Stop Telling Yourself appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

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