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Hormones, Inflammation, Nutrition, Testosterone

The Link Between Stress, Low Testosterone And Eczema

I thought I’d share with you a video I made about how I accidentally cured my own eczema. You may be wondering what on earth that has to do with testosterone decline. There is a clear link. That link is inflammation. Inflammation is the prime culprit behind eczema, and many other common illnesses including asthma, psoriasis, Crohn’s Disease, IBS and even food and animal allergies.  Inflammation causes testosterone levels to drop, as do high levels of stress.  Chronic inflammation is what leads to most chronic diseases.

Quick recap on inflammation – it’s a reaction in your body, an immune response, to what it perceives as an attack on it. It’s a self-protection mechanism. An example of acute inflammation is when you injure say, your ankle. It swells up and your body sends some fluids to it and it heats up and becomes painful so you don’t walk on it and cause further damage. Your body does what it needs to do so it repairs the injury. With such injury, it is normally repaired and put in the past. Internal inflammation happens when we are exposed to certain toxins, whether they’re in the environment or certain food types, that our body does not recognise and your immune system perceives them as invaders. You become inflamed. Inflammation can be in your gut, your joints, your lungs, your brain, your throat, skin, your arteries and veins, anywhere really. It often goes unnoticed and chronic inflammation is what leads to most chronic diseases.

Another cause of inflammation is high levels of chronic stress. The stress hormone, cortisol, triggers an immune response and actually suppresses the immune system. Cortisol creates an acidic environment in the body which breaks down muscle tissue and bones weaken because the calcium in the bones neutralise the acid to bring it back to alkaline. Basically, high, consistent levels of stress are not a good thing. In short bouts, it’s a very useful hormone and we can turn super human and be super productive. It’s a fight or flight mechanism. Consistent high levels of cortisol is not a good thing and really must be avoided, or at least minimised.

Finally, inflammation causes testosterone levels to decline, as do consistent high levels of cortisol.

On Thursday (25th February) I’m holding a webinar which I’m entitling, “How I Accidentally Cured My Eczema“. It’s ultimately about reversing inflammation, by nutrition and lifestyle changes and there is a big emphasis on psychology. This is the most challenging part. SIGN UP HERE AND JOIN ME FOR A FREE WEBINAR. It will be highly worth your time and I promise you will be better off having watched it. Discover how to eat to reverse inflammation, how to move to reverse inflammation and how to think differently to remove the word stress from your life. THIS IS POWERFUL STUFF!

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  1. Karolyn Johnson

    January 14, 2018 at 6:05 am

    Hi! I am interested in your webinar about the eczema cure! How can I access it?


  2. Bruce

    February 11, 2019 at 7:31 am

    The one thing I know about is that it is an autoimmune disorder you have to fix your gut to cure eczema and it works I have a concussion when I recovered from the concussion I seem to be able to put puzzles together I seem to understand the immune system inside and out my grandson who is 22 years old has had eczema on his face under his eyes for 21 years since he has been staying with us he has had no choice but to eat the food that I buy the balance my immune system I am taking a medication that had horrible side effects and to offset them I had to balance my immune system what’s weird is when I balance my immune system I used to have a horrible Sweet tooth now I don’t crave sugar I don’t want sugar.but back to my grandson it is the first time for a whole year he has no symptoms all summer all winter. I don’t know what I accidentally did but for some odd reason changing up his diet into what I eat fix his immune system and is autoimmune disorder so that his eczema under his eyes dissipated and never showed up this summer and winter I didn’t know he told has a lot to do with magnesium vitamin d your acid levels in your stomach and you need magnesium and vitamin d to create Diane oxidise which is an enzyme that breaks up histamines in your body.and when you balance your immune system it has an effect of balancing the pH in your skin. I know my got is balanced properly because my cells no longer crave sugar. I don’t need that quick fix of energy. Check out vitamin d and eczema vitamin d and asthma. Go to your doctor get blood test run on all your vitamin levels in your bloodstream.when you go through puberty you develop acne that’s a skin condition it’s because your immune system is out of balance and hormonal changes are happening when it’s that time of the month women develop acne is because their hormones are out of balance and so is there immune system. Feed your good gut bacteria. You need good organic grass-fed meat. Proper organic cereals. Proper vitamins organic fruits organic vegetables. My grandson still each what I called garbage at timesbut now 60% of what he eats is good for his gut.your gut and your intestines in the jejunum ileum duodenum all put the nutrients into your body from the food you eat and they are what decide if you develop arthritis rheumatism anything they make it up based on what you do to it. I don’t want to go into deep medical terminology but fix your gut. What do you have to lose. Accept a healthier lifestyle and less symptoms of eczema or completely gone.remember something if you naturally fix your immune system in your gut they will never do this because they can’t make money on it. Remember you probably have problems in your decal ribonucleic acid DNA. You see when you’re cell produces proteins enzymes nutrients everything that is necessary for it to produce hundreds of thousands of them hundred thousands of them it produces all the time all your cells are in communication with each other it reads a strip of RNA ribonucleic acid if there’s any imperfections there it won’t produce certain proteins to produce a certain nutrient that you need if you’re missinganyone of something or a break in the strand you won’t absorb certain nutrients that your skin needs therefore it will break down even in your saliva you have so many enzymes that are needed to absorb nutrients.people use mouthwashes that kill every piece of bacteria in your mouth there is a lot of good bacteria there that you need in your body and we’re killing them too.they’re treating a symptom because they don’t know the cause the cause is your immune system. And remember if you crave sweet stuff that’s your cells in your body there is 120 trillion of them is 10 times as many bacteria but the cells are like little factories they need an energy source if your got is not functioning properly your cells will not be getting enough energy and will need a quick fix they will communicate through your God cells and that signal will go through the vagal nervous system to the brain to the craving center and cause you to crave something sweet it is not that you’re craving something sweet your brain doesn’t crave something sweet your cells do because the energy they need is not being given to them from your gut from what you’re eating. Or you’re lacking the enzymes needed to absorb and produce the nutrients needed. And make sure you’re not th1 or th2 dominant.your immune system is like a type rope Walker the a side and the b-side have to be balanced perfect. You know one milligram of artificial sweetener will make your good gut bacteria toxic so how does that affect your skin when you can absorb the proper nutrients. If you don’t know the contents of what you’re eating and you haven’t read the label if you don’t know what you’re putting on your hands and you haven’t read the label or on your body or your hair and you haven’t read the label. I’ll tell you some foods are so chemicalized and so bad for you damn roadkill would be better for you. Trust me before my concussion I knew nothing about nothing.i got this damn Hubble telescope in my head and I seem to see everything now. They say my hippocampus is racing like the 407 at times. Oh yeah and this is important I don’t care what medication you’re on most of them take vitamins and nutrients out of your body they do you need to take them to keep you alive or healthy I guess but they have all side effects and most of the time they’re taking vitamins and nutrients out of your body it is important so important you find out what they are doing when it comes to removing nutrients out of your body.there is a whole chain of events that take place for you to absorb any nutrients even the break down in your gut it’s called the shikimate pathway humans have a 5 stage. Okay said enough


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