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Motivation, Psychology

Is The News Robbing You Of Your Mojo?

Let’s pretend you spend 30 mins a day watching the news. That’s 3.5 hours a week. Let’s pretend you only spend only 1 hour fretting about the news per day and writing and talking about it. That’s 7 hours per week. So far, conservatively, we’re up to 10.5 hours a week. 42 hours a month ish. That’s not allowing for the emotion of fear that is being steadily syphoned into your subconscious mind, which is responsible for all decision-making in every area of your life and the state of your mind in general. Imagine investing that time into something really meaningful into your life – family, friends, building and creating something awesome – a business, your passion. Your legacy. Your health. Your vitality. Your family’s health.

I’m concerned by the amount of my friends who are allowing recent events to consume their lives and affect not just their work but their frame of mind which will impact them in other areas of their lives – loved ones, children, relationships with friends. It’s heartbreaking to see.

It’s precisely the aim of the media to do this. If you think the media is doing a wonderful job in presenting lots of truthful and unbiased information to you so you’re well informed about what is going on in the world, I’d suggest looking into this. The news designed to keep us in a fearful state – to stop us taking action on world-changing ideas, to stop us living our dreams, to keep us sick, to keep us in the rat race, to keep us from thinking, to keep us from taking risks – to keep us from tapping in to who we really are.

And it’s working like a dream. Just listen to what we’re all focusing our energy on now. When you find out who’s behind most of the media and their purpose, you’ll understand what I’m talking about. When we watch the news, we are choosing to allow ourselves to be brainwashed – and not in a good way.

I’ve always had an unsavoury feeling about the media, a gut feeling that something is very wrong with it. And politics in fact. When was the last time you read something positive in the news? Over the last 4 years I’ve pretty much abstained from the media and I can’t begin to tell you how enlightening it has been. It’s enabled me to channel this energy into something meaningful. I happened to stumble upon the truth about the medical and “healthcare” industry, which I have found out is so incredibly corrupt.

You only had to read the article in the Guardian last week on cancer – a “respected” newspaper – to understand a snippet of what I’m taking about. It was complete and utter bullsh1t, dissuading people from doing their own research into natural and non-toxic methods to fight cancer. It made me erupt. I’m in the process right now of writing a letter to their editors,  supporting all my claims with medical journals and case studies. It probably won’t do any good. Maybe it will. Maybe it won’t. You can but try. People listen to this media bullshit. You might have listened to that bullshit. That means it might have affected your life and had a ripple effect to affect your friends’ and families’ lives.

What would happen if you turned off the news for 1 month and focused those 42 odd hours on building and creating something awesome, a dream business, putting ideas into action, learning about psychology (so for example, you can understand how to manage ’stress’ and fear and learn how to manage and reframe external strains so you don’t have to suffer or so you can shift perspective and see the gift in every challenge that comes your way), more personal growth, how to be a more amazing parent, how to be a better husband /wife, learn a new hobby, learning about nutrition & health so your life is better in every other area – so your family’s lives are better. Over the course of a year, that’s 2,226 hours. That’s 91 days. Imagine what we can all do in 91 days? And all the positive energy we get back from not watching the news?

I wonder what will happen in the world in 1 month with you not knowing what’s going on in it. If you really want to find out, just ask a friend of yours at the end of the week if there’s anything you need to know in the news. I bet they’ll tell you either a) nothing or b) something that is out of your control and would only suppress your psychology. Your mojo.

I’m not at all suggesting I have it all figured out as I don’t, but one thing I know for sure is the media is completely messing with our psychology. And that is what drives every aspect of our lives.

Did you know that you can trade on the stock market and forex and insure against the downside so you only win on the upside? Have you read Tony Robbins’ Money Master The Game? Did you know the Federal Reserve is not actually federal, nor a reserve, and is actually a privately owned bank? No? Probably…because you’re watching the bullsh1it news!!!

Did you know that all inflammatory health conditions can be managed / healed through a few subtle shifts in diet, lifestyle and psychology – and that no medications are needed for inflammatory conditions and that every single medication is toxic to your body? Those include eczema, asthma, psoriasis, Crohn’s Disease, IBS, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, Lyme Disease… No? Why? Probably because you’re watching….the bullsh1t news!!!!

Did you know that the media has painted a very fearful picture of cancer and that oncologists and doctors are trained with outdated information and still employ toxic treatment methods that are no longer needed for the most part? Did you know that cancer is nothing but a symptom of toxicity and imbalance of the body and a suppressed immune system? Did you know cancer cannot grow in a healthy immune system? Did you know you can measure your health in many ways to indicate whether it’s growing in your body? Did you know a tumour is the tip of the iceberg? And that it’s taken years, often over a decade to develop into something detectable through a series of events that happen in the body – such as chronic inflammation and immune system suppression. Did you know that you can balance the body through a shift in nutrition, lifestyle changes and by managing emotions? No? Probably because you’re watching….BULLSH1T NEWS!!!!

Did you know the obesity and diabetes epidemic we are experiencing Today is a result of misinformation provided by the media back in the early 80s when we were told that fat is bad? Did you know that fat was replaced with sugar and people started feasting on carbs as they’re “lower in calories” (triggering insulin, your fat storing hormone) and processed crap, so everyone started getting fatter and sicker? Did you know the “Food Pyramid” is putting us all on the road to becoming inflamed and to develop type-2 diabetes?Did you know that there is absolutely no need to take medication for type-2 diabetes as it is completely reversible through diet? No? Probably because you’re watching… THE BULLSH1T NEWS!!!!   

Do you know why doctors are not trained in nutrition? Do you know about Carnegie And Rockefeller Medicine and The Flexner Report of 1920 that has shaped all curriculum taught to doctors and is why they primarily prescribe pharmaceutical medications? No? Probably because you’re watching….the BULLSH1T NEWS!!!!

If you’re still reading and haven’t “unfriended” me or stopped following me yet, I suggest watching this documentary. At the very least, you’ll think it’s a conspiracy but it might get you thinking about how much time you’re wasting on stuff that doesn’t matter and/or is out of your control. At best, you’ll understand who is in control of everything we do and that the world would be a much better place without the media.

You’ll understand that if you continue to watch the news… you are part of a beautifully designed system to keep you from doing what you are on this planet to do.

The truth shall set you free:

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