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Hormones, Inflammation, Intermittent Fasting, Ketosis

Why Conventional Advice For Type-2 Diabetes Is Wrong

Yesterday, I got into a cab with a driver who I couldn’t help but notice, was dangerously overweight. After the usual inane chitter chatter as one normally has with their cab driver, such as the weather and the scenery, we got talking about real stuff. After we spoke about him for a few minutes, he asked me what I did for a living so I told him I was an author and health coach and that I had an online program to help people reverse inflammation. He told me he was suffering from that. I wasn’t surprised. A few minutes later, after I went into greater detail about what it was, he opened up to me and told me that he was suffering from Type-2 Diabetes.

I asked him what nutritional advice he had received from his doctor and he told me the usual – and that is that he’s been on various medications. I asked if he knew why type-2 diabetes happens in the first place and he had no idea – his doctor had not explained this. I asked if he had adopted a high fat, low carb diet and he said no. I asked him if he knew what insulin was and he told me he didn’t know. I asked if he had been told about ketosis and intermittent fasting and he said no. Those three approaches are 100% tried and tested, proven methods to reverse type-2 diabetes.

This is absolutely typical of a modern and Western approach to medicine. And in honesty, it made my blood boil, as unsurprised as I was.  I decided yesterday to do a Facebook live on this experience, in which I explain insulin (also your fat storing hormone), its role in the body (managing blood sugar) and how when you’re exposed to high levels of it over a long period of time, that leads to insulin resistance and then you have type-2 diabetes.

If you haven’t read my bestseller, The Vitality Secret, you can download the first few chapters here. You’ll discover why the medical industry is all about drugs, and not at all about nutrition and prevention, and you’ll learn how to reverse inflammation completely naturally – the root of most health conditions and chronic diseases including type-2 diabetes.

Recently I entered the weird and wonderful world of ketosis. This is when you tell your body to only burn fat, and not feed on glucose, from carbohydrates. Your body undergoes a perfectly natural transition from being a carbohydrate burner for energy, to fat – dietary fat and stored body fat. It’s simply awesome. It takes a few days of pain as your body undergoes the transition and then you feel like a superhuman and your brain functions way more effectively – without the highs and lows from a high carbohydrate – and sugar – loaded diet. See my posts here, for more information on that.


I’ve just finished reading ‘Eat Fat, Get Thin, by Mark Hyman, MD. This is a superb read and compliments everything I have learned to date over the last 5 years. Fats are absolutely essential for hormonal regulation, including to increase testosterone, for metabolism (to burn body fat, yes!) and for cell health throughout our body, including our brain cell health and general brain health (brain cells are made up of 70% fat) and much more. A must read. The healthy fats are also critical in reversing inflammation and helping to maintain insulin sensitivity.


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