Documentaries – Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy Burn fat, increase metabolism, raise testosterone and get your mojo back Sun, 29 Mar 2020 22:02:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Getting Real With Neil: Rethinking Cancer Thu, 07 Feb 2019 18:37:26 +0000 I was inspired to start this series after a heated conversation with a very close friend of mine. He’s very intelligent, creating massive changes in the world – and he held a lot of resistance, to say the least, towards what I was saying about cancer, after he mentioned how his friend has a couple ...

The post Getting Real With Neil: Rethinking Cancer appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

I was inspired to start this series after a heated conversation with a very close friend of mine. He’s very intelligent, creating massive changes in the world – and he held a lot of resistance, to say the least, towards what I was saying about cancer, after he mentioned how his friend has a couple of weeks to live. So, here goes. This is not for the faint hearted. I’m getting real.

Getting Real With Neil: Episode One: The Truth About Cancer

Dear ‘Friend I Respect A Lot’ (I’m keeping his true name anonymous to protect his interests)

I’ve been reflecting on our chat since yesterday and I realise I could have handled my approach better. Cancer is something that is very close to my heart as I lost 3 friends to it in the space of a year – or maybe the treatment they received. (Did you know that statistically, 54-58% of people who die from cancer die from the treatment – chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy or surgery? The remainder die from the Cachexia – the wasting away of protein and lean body mass – no one dies from cancer itself)

I’ve witnessed too people suffer unnecessarily – because they’re not educated on what it actually is. I’ve been researching it for many years and interviewed a number of people who have reversed it holistically – including Steve Soffer from METal. He reversed his prostate cancer holistically with a radical shift in diet / meditation / movement and other methods.

The point I was attempting to help you to understand is that cancer is not what the mainstream media & medical industry leads us to believe that it is – in 95% of cases. We are led to believe that it’s a genetic disease and out of our control.  I now understand it is as a symptom of toxicity in the body and a suppressed immune system. It wasn’t an overnight discovery. According to world renowned cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton (and other pioneers in holistic healing), in only 5% of cases of all chronic disease (including cancer), they are a result of genes that are “fully penetrant” which means that we do not have the power to influence their expression (whether they are turned on or not – by the environment we keep in our bodies).  This means that in 95% of cases, we are in full control of whether or not illness (including cancer) develops in our body.

Essentially, cancer is a symptom – a communication from our body – to make massive change – in the vast majority of cases. Some forms of Leukaemia, I believe, are forms of cancer that are truly genetic  – that’s not to say that they cannot be reversed holistically. The body will heal anything with the correct approach. I know that’s a giant claim, but that’s now my belief, or rather, my understanding – having been in this space for 7 years.

I’m of the opinion that the cure does not lie in a quick fix or magic pill. The cure lies in rethinking what it actually is, and essentially redefining it, so people can take their power back (as corny as that sounds), take it up on themselves to get fully educated in it, so they can heal they own bodies and witness the symptom called cancer disappear.  Solid state tumours can take a decade to develop into something that is detectable. It’s the tip of the iceberg and years of toxicity and immune system suppression that has led to it. Modern treatment completely ignores the root cause and destroys the body and immune system in the treatments. It normally comes back with a vengeance as the stem cells are still lingering and the immune system has been annihilated by the treatment. Cancer cannot grow in clean body and it cannot develop with a healthy immune system.

I see cancer as the body’s final cry for change. Whenever I meet a practitioner who helps people to reverse cancer holistically – they do so across a number of different pathways. It’s never just one – or rarely one.

Toxicity can come from what we consume (so much of what is in grocery stores should not be called food), the environment, (asbestos / fumes / chemical plants / water / EMFs / toxic soil etc), how much we move (or don’t – as sedentary lives allows toxicity to build up), emotional toxicity (stored trauma, chronic negative emotions, stress, trapped emotions) and more. And anything that triggers inflammation in the body is causing the immune system to be suppressed. Chronic inflammation is at the root of most forms of cancer.

Understanding the human body as an electrical system (which it is), it is now known that cancer develops at +30mV – when the cells throughout the body function healthily between -20mV to -25mV.  To make the charge flip polarity to +30mV (not a good thing) requires all kinds of imbalances in the body – namely those mentioned above – and really, the main cause is a lack of oxygen getting into the cells.

In Radical Remission, Dr Kelly Turner presented the findings of 250 people who radically reversed very advanced stages of cancer and how they did it. There were 9 common themes;

    • Radically changing your diet
    • Taking control of your health
    • Following your intuition
    • Using herbs and supplements
    • Releasing suppressed emotions
    • Increasing positive emotions
    • Embracing social support
    • Deepening your spiritual connection
  • Having strong reasons for living

You mentioned that if you had the cure for cancer (maybe you didn’t say it in such words), you’d happily give it away. I understand why you’d want to do this and it is truly honourable of you. The reason I wasn’t fully aligning with this – or rather I was reacting (in full honesty) to your disagreement with people who charge for their services in helping people reverse cancer – is because I see the reversal of cancer as an involved process. It is not a quick fix. It’s a thorough cleanse and detoxification across many pathways and systems in the body, in order to allow the body to heal itself. When a practitioner is involved, this requires substantial time, encouragement, self-empowerment and belief. And therefore I think it’s absolutely fine to charge for their services, as do I.

The only cure for cancer in my opinion, is educating people on what it is, to help people shift their thinking – their consciousness – around it. It is my aim to create a non-profit or charity around cancer consciousness and involving the best of the best pioneers in healing. This means encouraging self-empowerment. This is a dream of mine. The human body is an immensely powerful self-healing machine. Healing is also an innate ability we all have. The challenge is that we have been conditioned on a monumental scale, to give away this power we have to heal ourselves. And sadly, we’re hading over this power to people who are not actually trained to heal. They are trained a certain way (history of which I mentioned yesterday and is here) – and this is all slowly but surely being brought to light.

It is my opinion that the medical industry and cancer industry needs to be disrupted. Too many people are suffering unnecessarily. It works some of the time (it has to, or it wouldn’t exist) – certainly in emergencies. We just need to know when it serves us and when it does not.

I hope this is well received. You’re a very intelligent man and I respect your advice and your opinion. Just like you’re creating something amazing and world-changing, and disrupting the transportation industry, I, too, am onto creating big changes in the world of medicine and healing – playing my part at least.  I don’t know if you’ve ever fully understood what I’m about or what I’m working on. I’m onto some pretty huge things. I’m playing my part in disrupting the medical industry. You know I’ve helped people reverse a plethora of chronic inflammatory health challenges and got people off medication. Maybe in time, it will be cancer that I help people with.

See you when I’m back.



PS. I tried to keep this short, believe it or not. If you’d like to see more stuff I’ve written on this, I include a link below in resource. My own article:
PPS: Resources

Heal Documentary (now on Netflix):
The Truth About Cancer (9-part documentary series with interviews with world class pioneers)
Under oxygenation of cells is often reported as the #1 reason for chronic disease. Dr Jerry Tennant reports that chronic disease exists when your body loses the ability to create new cells that work. They’re not being fuelled effectively and are not able to expel toxins. Healing Is Voltage:

The post Getting Real With Neil: Rethinking Cancer appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

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Why Doctors Are Not Trained In Nutrition Tue, 28 Aug 2018 23:59:46 +0000 Did you know that your body is designed to heal? Every part of it. Every organ, every tissue is designed beautifully to repair itself, given the right environment within. Why are we not being told this? Truth be told, there is a history behind the medical industry as we know it today. Before I start, ...

The post Why Doctors Are Not Trained In Nutrition appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

Did you know that your body is designed to heal? Every part of it. Every organ, every tissue is designed beautifully to repair itself, given the right environment within. Why are we not being told this? Truth be told, there is a history behind the medical industry as we know it today. Before I start, this is not to discredit doctors – doctors are wonderful people and I have close friends and friends of the family who are doctors. This is for us to know, so we, as the consumer as it were, are better informed, so we can make better decisions. In this post, you will discover the history behind why doctors are not trained in nutrition.

Have you ever wondered why, when we go to the doctors, we have this almost engrained expectation to be prescribed a drug?

Check out The Vitality Secret, to see how it can help you ignite your inner healer:

Ever since I was a young teenager, I began to get curious about this. I always thought it was strange. I suffered from bad eczema since a very young age, and the doctor always would prescribe the same thing — steroid creams of various strengths, and a moisturiser from a pharmaceutical company, which I later found out was loaded with harmful ingredients. If the reason for my visit were not skin-related, I’d normally leave with a prescription for a medication — normally an antibiotic (which I have recently discovered is one of the most harmful drugs for our gut (microbiome), and thus our immune system, 70% of which is located in the gut).

Around the time of writing The Vitality Secret, I stumbled upon one of the greatest “aha moments” in my life. The timing was perfect. It was actually whilst watching episode one of The Truth About Cancer series, which by the way, I cannot recommend more highly for everyone on this planet to watch in its entirety. We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. This series teaches you everything you need to know about how cancer is created in the body, a plethora of non-toxic methods to heal your body, and if you do choose to take conventional treatments, how to strengthen your immune system so it is not completely annihilated by the treatment. According to this recent article, in 50% of cancer deaths, people are killed by the treatment, not the cancer itself. More resources on cancer and the history of the medical industry are in this article.

Back to Episode One. A considerable amount of time was spent looking into the history of the medical industry, and why doctors are not trained in nutrition (or to heal). It really helps to set the stage. Many people blame doctors for prescribing drugs. Doctors are between a rock and a hard place. Those I’ve spoken to have openly told me they’re not trained in nutrition, yet if they do not follow protocol, they stand to lose their licence.

Did you know that less than 6% of medical graduates in the US receive any kind of nutrition training? This is similar in the UK.

Of all the medical schools in the United States, less than a third have one required course in nutrition. How can this be?

This is when it gets interesting. During the late 1800s and early 1900s there were many different natural approaches to medicine and healing — homeopathic, naturopathic, eclectic herbal, oriental medicines etc.

In 1910, something monumental took place; Two gentlemen, named Carnegie and Rockefeller had their own idea as to what the medical industry should look like. They commissioned The Flexner Report of 1910. This was a preordained report, which meant thatthey knew what the outcome would be. The purpose was to eliminate all competition to patent petrochemical medical education. In Layman’s terms this gave them full power to influence the educational course material taught to doctors.

This was the creation of the medical monopoly as we know it today.

Natural schools that were not pushing drugs were closed down by Carnegie and Rockefeller and The American Medical Association (AMA) closed down the larger respected homeopathic colleges.

Carnegie and Rockefeller showered money into medical schools that were teaching drug-intensive medicine. When money was donated, the donors would ensure their people sat on the Boards of Directors of the teaching centres. This meant the curriculum of the universities and teaching centres fell completely into the hands of the pharmaceutical drug companies.

The Medical landscape Has Remained Unchanged Since Then.

Schools that had Carnegie & Rockefeller financing churned out more doctors — who became more “recognised doctors.” In return for the financing, schools were required to continue teaching course material exclusively drug-oriented, with absolutely no emphasis on natural medicine.

Some interesting statistics:

· By 1925, more than 10,000 herbalists were put out of business.

· By 1940, over 1,500 chiropractors were prosecuted for practicing quackery.

· By 1923 the 22 homeopathic medical schools that flourished in the 1900s dwindled down to just two.

· By 1950 All schools teaching homeopathy were closed.

If a doctor/physician did not graduate from a Flexner-approved medical school and receive an MD degree, then he or she would not be able to get a job anywhere.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why doctors’ training is so heavily biased towards the prescription of pharmaceutical medications and why they know very little about nutrition.

It’s all too easy for us to blame doctors for our health deteriorating or for them not helping us to heal. I think it’s time to stop blaming doctors, because we now know how they’re trained.

Modern medicine has become a business. In The Vitality Secret, you’ll discover more about the medical industry, and the cancer and diabetes industries specifically.

It has gone so far in the direction of pharmaceutical medication being regarded as the only solution, that natural remedies are regarded as “alternative treatments”. Shouldn’t this be swapped back again?

Do you not think that this is upside down? Shouldn’t the norm should be natural remedies and alternative treatments be pharmaceutical medications? After all, medications do not heal the body, they cover up symptoms, whereas food and nature help the body to heal. That is a MAJOR difference.

Thankfully, we are living in exciting times to be alive. This situation is slowly starting to change. Among more “conscious” locations around the world, the demand for pharmaceuticals is dropping considerably as people understand how ineffective they are in helping people with chronic illnesses or diseases. (They have their place in trauma / emergencies of course.) The resurgence of cannabis as medicine is also making for a revolutionary shift in medicine. 20,000 pier-reviewed studies have shown the effectiveness of Cannabis in treating more than 400 different illnesses. In fact, you’re hard pushed to find any health condition that it does not help in some way. An excellent resource about Medicinal Cannabis is The Cannabis Manifesto.

Having resided in LA for the last 4 years, I’ve been so fortunate to have surrounded myself with leading pioneers in holistic health. Whilst LA may be a “bubble,” this level of awareness is shifting. People approach me from England for support as they no longer want to take medications.

People are coming to realise that medications to not heal the body. They simply mask symptoms, and they allow the underlying root cause to worsen, which is normally chronic inflammation. Every drug comes with side effects, bar none and they all harm the liver. Often side effects are created, for which another pill is prescribed. Hence the ‘pill for a pill’ society in which we live.

I believe that the sooner this information and history reaches the masses, the sooner we can experience a tipping point and shift in consciousness and empowerment and self-healing. Would you agree?

We all have this incredible power to heal our own bodies. The challenge is that we are giving away this power. As Gregg Braden is known for saying, and as I mentioned in this post, every organ in the body is designed to heal, given the right environment. It’s just up to us to create the right environment within, to allow our body to do what it ultimately wants to do.

What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear them. Please share if this resonated with you 🙂

To discover how powerful your body is in healing itself, I’d love you to pre-order the 2nd Edition of The Vitality Secret, and help me spread the word.

I highly recommend The Truth About Cancer for anyone who is suffering from cancer or if you know of anyone who is suffering. It is not a death sentence. Your body can heal.

The post Why Doctors Are Not Trained In Nutrition appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

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The Opioid Time Bomb – What Exactly Is Going On? Fri, 23 Mar 2018 14:37:10 +0000 Detective Neil here, at your service. The use of OPIODS has hit the headlines in the UK this week. (Use of painkillers up 80% in 10 years, costing the tax payer £263 million per year, 90% of cases they don’t work, 200,000 known Opioid addictions in UK, 16,800 deaths in the US from opioids alone, ...

The post The Opioid Time Bomb – What Exactly Is Going On? appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

Detective Neil here, at your service. The use of OPIODS has hit the headlines in the UK this week. (Use of painkillers up 80% in 10 years, costing the tax payer £263 million per year, 90% of cases they don’t work, 200,000 known Opioid addictions in UK, 16,800 deaths in the US from opioids alone, serious side effects etc…) This isn’t a chirpy post, and I know it’s Friday, yet it’s something I think is really important to talk about. What are opioids I hear you say? Street legal heroin basically. LEGAL drugs derived from the opium plant from which heroin is made. (Side note: did you know the ADHD drug, Adderal, is street-legal Meth? No wonder it made me jittery when I tried it a few years ago).
Somehow, these highly addictive and harmful drugs have been approved, whereas medicinal cannabis (here it is again), a plant – from Mother Nature – which has been proven effective in treating 400 health conditions including dissolving cancer tumours and alleviation of pain, is highly anti-inflammatory and is a powerful antioxidant, remains illegal. Did you know the US government has a patent on CBD (cannabidiol) as a neuro-protector? (meaning it protects the brain) Hmm…
One of the pharmaceutical companies that has been found guilty of helping to trigger America’s Opioid crisis is Purdue Pharma (according to the Evening Standard Investigations editor, David Cohen), and was fined in 2007 for marketing OxyContin – ‘with intent to defraud and mislead’ regulators. (They had to pay $600million, a fraction of the $3 Billion Glaxo was fined in 2012 after admitting bribing doctors and encouraging the prescription of unsuitable antidepressants to CHILDREN. True story, see link at the bottom.)
Now. This Pharma company is the main source of wealth for the Sacklers family. Check this out: The Sacklers family have made donations to our ELITE academic institutions includingOXFORD University, UCL, King’s College. Some of our leading Schools Of Medicine. CONFLICT OF INTEREST, MUCH?!! Oxford University has received £11m from Sacklers. (Side note: Do you know where education for already qualified doctors on the latest drugs comes from? Something to think about…are we all guinea pigs?? The book, Bad Pharma, by Dan Goldacre explains this in superb detail, link below. And yes, we are guinea pigs). Another side note, did you know that pharmaceutical drug side effects kill more than 106,000 people every year in the US – when used CORRECTLY, as prescribed by their doctors. We don’t hear about them in the news do we? (Link below)
Ladies and gentlemen, this Opioid example is a tiny example of the widespread corruption of donations from pharmaceutical companies to leading institutions that are educating our doctors and medical professionals. Did you see my article last year when I debunked a terrible article in the Guardian newspaper last year, about how natural treatments for cancer don’t work? That was written by an Oxford University researcher. My initial thought when I read that, was “who paid for this researcher to write that article?” I’ve come to realise that we simply cannot trust the media on pretty much anything related to health.
Donations such as these, have been happening since 1910 when Carnegie & Rockefeller changed the entire medical landscape as we know it today and quite literally changed the education taught to doctors, to make it about drugs that they were manufacturing. They saw to it that all the schools teaching natural approaches to medicine were shut down. More on that in this article:
I also wanted to raise awareness of the products page on Purdue Pharma – You’ll see at the top a drug to treat Opioid – Induced Constipation. And below that, you’ll see their Opioid drugs!!!! This is a prime example of the “pill for a pill” society we now live in. On the same page!!! It’s laughable. And seriously – and unconsciously – HARMFUL. This applies to just about every drug used to treat common and chronic illnesses and diseases. Another example is Viagra to support men wth ED who take statins for “high cholesterol” (a complete waste of time as it’s inflammation that leads to heart disease, not cholesterol, and we need cholesterol for our sex hormones and cell membrane health throughout our entire body, and lots more).
Pain drugs do not treat the ROOT CAUSE (#TheVitalitySecret) just like every medication for illnesses and chronic diseases. They ignore why the pain or symptom is there in the first place. This is where Western Medicine is still failing people. When we listen to our pain, when we listen to our symptoms – this beautiful and remarkably magical and intelligent communication from our body – WE CAN HEAL OURSELVES! Pain is really just an action signal for changing what we’re doing. Sadly, we’re conditioned to numb this and ignore our emotions and “Band Aid” symptoms, which often leads to serious harm down the road. And when pain comes from chronic pain and fibromyalgia (as referred to in the newspapers), we need to understand the root cause of that pain – so we can heal. I’m about to do a Facebook Live interview with a very close friend of mine, Anahita, who healed herself of chronic pain after years of suffering from it – by discovering the root cause and mind-body connection. She refused point blank to take opioids as she was prescribed.)
Finally and on a lighter note: We are living in truly exciting times to be alive and we are going to see a radical shift in the world of medicine over the next decade or so. More and more people are realising the ineffectiveness of pharmaceutical drugs in healing the body, and more importantly how they PREVENT the body from healing, how they all come with side effects and often create more problems for which another is prescribed. People are HEALING themselves of all kinds of so called ‘INCURABLE” conditions, when they realise how limited Western medicine is in treating illnesses and chronic disease (they’re great in emergencies / physical trauma).
(ACTUAL) FINALLY: We all have the power to heal our own body. Our Bodies are designed to heal. They want to heal. They always want to be in a state of balance. As Gregg Braden says: “Every organ in the body is designed to heal, given the right environment” – it’s therefore up to us to create the right environment within, to allow the body to do, what it ultimately wants to do.
This is what I do. I help you get to the root cause of your health challenge, reverse it, so you can become free of symptoms, pain and medication. Book a strategy call here:
My review of “Prescription Thugs”:
Carnegie & Rockefeller Medicine
Bad Pharma book:
Our unconscious pharmaceutical friends:
Our Oxford Researcher friend wrote this damning article on Natural Cancer Treatment – all claims he made are false. I have written a full article on my blog showing why they’re false.
106,000 people die each year from side effects of medications.
I DO COACHING and help you to heal your own body to become free of illness, pain and medication:

The post The Opioid Time Bomb – What Exactly Is Going On? appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

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“Prescription Thugs” – My Geeky Review Thu, 22 Mar 2018 08:00:05 +0000 Update: Interesting, 2 years ago to the day, was when I first published this article. In the UK this week, the subject of Opioids has hit the papers, their ineffectiveness, toxicity, and addictions. They’re essentially our street legal heroin with extremely serious side effects that can lead to death. Below is my review of the ...

The post “Prescription Thugs” – My Geeky Review appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

Update: Interesting, 2 years ago to the day, was when I first published this article. In the UK this week, the subject of Opioids has hit the papers, their ineffectiveness, toxicity, and addictions. They’re essentially our street legal heroin with extremely serious side effects that can lead to death. Below is my review of the documentary, “Prescription Thugs” for you to peruse, and hopefully you’ll be enticed to watch it.

Did you know that the US makes up of 5% of the world population, yet consumes more than 75% of the world’s prescription drugs supply? One in ten people are on anti-depressants (that often come with known side effects of suicidal thoughts). The US is one of two countries in the world that allows advertising on TV for prescription drugs. We often hear: “Ask your doctor for this drug.” Remember, there is not a single drug that does not have side effects, yet we’re being prescribed them like they’re going out of fashion. in the US, we’re being told to ask our doctors for them, rather than figure out why we have an illness or health condition in the first place and how to heal naturally. More importantly, we are not educated how to prevent illness in the first place. We are told to numb pain, not ask ourselves why we have the pain, and get to the ROOT CAUSE of the pain. Pain is there for a reason. Pain is an action signal for change, yet we’re numbing this beautiful communication from our body.

We live in a culture of symptoms maintenance and disease management. This is not a culture of healing or prevention. There is actually a solid reason why this is the case the case. If you’d like to learn more about that, you’ll discover the truth behind the ‘Medical Profession’ in my bestselling book, The Vitality Secret.

Back to this film. Here are my (chirpy) notes…!

  • Every 19 minutes, someone in the US dies from a prescription drugs overdose.
  • Codeine, Oxycodone, Vicodin and Morphine are all made from the opium poppy- the same as heroine. They are all addictive and can lead to death.
  • Adderall and Ritalin are made from the same stuff as Meth. This is our “street legal meth.”
  • In 1971 Richard Nixon declared a war on illegal drugs which has cost the US over $1trillion.
  • We’re now in a serious epidemic of drug addicts – of prescription drug medications.
  • “Pharmaceutical companies are drug dealers.”
  • In the last 7 years, the top drug companies made $711bn. [In 2015, this is more now.]
  • The pharmaceutical industry is the most profitable industry in the US [nearing a trillion dollar industry across the globe].
  • Patients can test the drugs for free – then they’re hooked.
  • Cholesterol and statin drugs increase risk of diabetes – among a plethora of other side effects, one of which is when your body stops producing cholesterol your immune system is severely hampered and hormones become imbalanced. Cholesterol plays a crucial role in hormone regulation. ‘Big Fat Lie.’
  • Another side effect of cholesterol drugs is impotence.
  • Same manufacturers that make lipitor (cholesterol drug) sell Viagra. This is a classic case of prescribing a ‘pill for a pill’ when one drug covers up the symptoms of the first. [CHOLESTEROL CAN BE BALANCED THROUGH DIET!!! THERE IS NO NEED FOR DRUGS!!]
  • When Restless Leg Syndrome became a condition, a drug was created to treat it. [I’m a personal sufferer of RLS – it happens when I’m tired and/or bored. It is also a case of too much caffeine and sugar overload. Never has the thought crossed my eye to take a med for it.]
  • 75% of the time, when people ask for a drug, their doctor will prescribe the medication.
  • 1 in 10 Americans are on anti-depressants. [On many anti-depressant drugs, side effects listed are suicidal thoughts.]
  • Even dogs are being given anti-depressants. HAS THIS WORLD GONE COMPLETELY INSANE?
  • According to Dr David Healy, psychiatrist and psychopharmacologist (whatever that is!) who wrote Pharmageddon mentions how psychiatric drugs are some of the most profitable on the market. People think that because they’re being prescribed drugs by their doctor, that they’re safe. [They are not.]
  • To get a drug approved by the FDA, two tests need to prove that the drugs work better than a placebo. It doesn’t actually matter if the other tests caused all sorts of health problems and defects!!!
  • Drug reps encouraged to misinform. They are encouraged to not provide all of the information and side effects.
  • 3 out of 10 older people are taking 5 drugs multiple times a day.
  • Adderall is over used and over-prescribed. It’s addictive (remember, it’s street-legal meth).
  • 6,000 kids are using drugs each day to get high.
  • The worst epidemic we face in American is Prescription drug addition.
  • Every 19 minutes, someone dies from an accidental overdose.
  • We live in a quick and easy fix culture. [People are forgetting how to look after themselves.]
  • Default is to take a pill. [Natural treatments are regarded as “alternative”, whereas the norm – the accepted method – is with drugs – this is the sheer genius of our cultural conditioning]
  • Almost every medicine is a poison – there is a price with the poison. [That price is side effects, and they are presented in list form on drugs packaging. People ignore this.]
  • “Why isn’t this stopped?” Big Pharma is one of the most powerful lobbying interests in the world. In 2013 $226m was spent on lobbying the government. That equates to $422,000 per congressmen.
  • Pharma companies can be a fast track fee to speed up approval process.
  • More drugs can hit the market and profits are exploding.
  • People are not dying from medical marijuana – they are dying from legal prescription drugs, yet marijuana is what is illegal.

A quote from Forbes:

While healthcare technology has always been one of the most lucrative sectors, its net margin has been steadily on the rise along with the industry’s top line (revenue), as shown in the chart below. Within the broader healthcare technology category, the superstars of profitability go to major and generic pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer PFE +1.03% (27.6%), Merck & Co MRK +0.44%. (25.2%),Johnson & Johnson JNJ +0.09% (24.5%). Read more here

“Superstars?” Really? Interesting definition of an industry that is causing so much harm to people. In 2009 Pfizer was fined $2.3bn for illegally marketing the painkiller Bextra. As you can see in the graph below, the most profitable industry according to Forbes is “Health Technology”. Imagine what would happen to the economy if doctors and citizens were educated in nutrition and people were healed naturally…

Screen Shot 2016-03-22 at 16.35.10

If you want to join a quest and figure out how to avoid and reverse illness and disease through nutrition, please subscribe to my mailing list and you’ll receive some of the best information with interviews with experts, awesome nutrition articles, references to medical journals etc.  You can also purchase my bestselling book, The Vitality Secret on the home page. This book is on inflammation, the hidden health hazard that is sweeping across the Western world and no drugs treat it. It must be reversed naturally or it worsens under the surface. If you’re a man reading this, you may be interested to hear low testosterone is directly linked with inflammation.

Check out the trailer here:


The post “Prescription Thugs” – My Geeky Review appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

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What Exactly Is Cancer And Should We Really Fear It? Wed, 07 Mar 2018 13:57:22 +0000 I was saddened by the news that Bill Turnbull has been diagnosed with prostate cancer which has now spread to his bones.  What makes me more sad, is the fact that it seems as though he has believed the prognosis that it is “incurable.” (By the way, I’ve been attempting to contact him. If you ...

The post What Exactly Is Cancer And Should We Really Fear It? appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

I was saddened by the news that Bill Turnbull has been diagnosed with prostate cancer which has now spread to his bones.  What makes me more sad, is the fact that it seems as though he has believed the prognosis that it is “incurable.”

(By the way, I’ve been attempting to contact him. If you know a way of how I can reach him, I’d love to introduce him to some people I know.)

Whenever I hear anything is incurable, I understand it as limited thinking. When trusted authorities provide such a prognosis based on what they know, it’s based on how they’re trained, and they often appear to be unwilling to step outside of that box of how they are trained. They base their diagnoses on historical statistics, not on the human that is sitting in front of them. And every body is different.

Deepak Chopra is famous for saying: “accept the diagnosis, not the prognosis” – in other words, “thanks for letting me know – now I’m off to learn how to heal my own body.”

Whenever I hear the words “It’s incurable” I sprint in the opposite direction and seek the advice of holistic practitioners or functional medicine doctors or healers, who have not been trained by Western Medicine. (Or at least, who have furthered their education and got curious about why their training limited to masking symptoms with drugs.) There is a rock solid history behind why Western Medicine professionals are not trained in nutrition or to heal, and I’ll come onto that shortly. It dates back to 1910.

Before I go continue, I’ll explain who I am. My name is Neil Cannon and I’m the bestselling author of The Vitality Secret. This book is about getting to the root cause of just about every common illness, chronic disease and accelerated ageing; chronic inflammation. My inspiration for writing this book came from witnessing my father suffer a stroke, unnecessarily. I provide insights into testing for it, and solutions for reversing it. This is a condition that few people are testing themselves for, yet is something that affects a high proportion of the Western World, often without their knowing. Experts are calling it ‘the silent killer.’ On the flipside, reversing it is described as ‘The Holy Grail Of Health.

Chronic inflammation builds the foundations for most forms of cancer. Ironically, chronic inflammation is your immune system trying to protect you over and over again, from ‘alien’ or ‘foreign’ intruders that enter your body. Stress and trauma also triggers it on a monumental scale.

I host a podcast, in which I’m interviewing people who have healed their bodies of “incurable” conditions according to Western Medicine.

I’m also a health coach and run an award-winning digital programme specialising in helping people reverse chronic inflammation. I’ve helped people reverse conditions including pre-diabetes, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high vLDL cholesterol, arthritis, gout, skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis, digestive challenges, migraines, obesity and more. In one spectacular case, a woman’s symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease disappeared – as a side effect of helping her reverse her type-2 diabetes.

This outcome is not surprising when we understand that neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are inflammation of the brain. Depression has now been linked with inflammation of the brain.


Back to cancer. Over the last 4 years I’ve been fortunate enough to immerse myself among leading pioneers in holistic health and I have become obsessed with what cancer really is, further to losing 3 friends in a row from cancer – or rather, the treatments of their cancer. It is NOT what you think it is.

Cancer is not the problem – it’s the INDUSTRY that’s the problem.

It amazes me that in 2018, Western Medicine is still using chemotherapy (derived from Mustard Gas) and radiotherapy, when all of the evidence is out there, that they’re ineffective at getting to the root cause of the cancer. All 3 methods ignore the fact that cancer has a root cause. In cases where chemotherapy and radiotherapy is used, in the majority of cases it returns, and when it returns, it returns with a vengeance as the immune system has been annihilated by the immense toxicity of the treatment. Did you know that chemotherapy itself is a carcinogen?

I’ve lost friends because they’ve been dragged through an out-dated and somewhat barbaric medical system that dates back to 1910, when Carnegie and Rockefeller reshaped the entire medical landscape as we know it today and made it all about drugs and harmful treatments for cancer that completely miss the point of what cancer is and its ROOT cause (s).


My new definition of Cancer, is that it is no more than a symptom of toxicity in the body and a suppressed immune system. The world needs to know that. I believe it needs to be completely redefined so people can be empowered to take their health into their own hands, invest time and money in educating themselves in learning how to heal their own bodies. All the information is out there. We just need to turn off our TVs and news and look for it (I can’t remember reading one article in the media that was remotely true about cancer).

Something I have come to realise through obsessing on the topic of health and healing, is that we ALL have the power to heal our own bodies. Every part of our body is designed to heal – it’s just up to us to create the right ENVIRONMENT within our body to allow our body to do what it ultimately wants to do.

And you know what? It can’t do that if we regularly throw drugs down our throats which destroy the gut and liver, cause inflammation and leaky gut, or worse intoxicate our body and immune system with chemo or radio – which NEVER EVER address the root cause.

People often approach me and ask me for help with cancer or a friend with cancer. I tend to start with a disclaimer, saying I’m not an oncologist and can’t override any oncologist’s advice. What I will say is this: If I was diagnosed with Cancer, this is what I’d do. I’d ask myself:


After getting a full inflammation and complete full body blood test (including microbiome), I’d ask myself the question: Where has this toxicity come from? And I’ll address it in order of the fuels, that human cells require to thrive…

  1. #1 – OXYGEN: Has my toxicity built up from being inactive, and thus depriving my cells of their number one fuel? (Sitting is the new smoking, we’re born to move, yet very few people are moving enough these days. Under oxygenation of cells is often claimed as the #1 reason for chronic disease)
  2. #2 – WATER: Has my toxicity come from dehydration of pure water, or the water supply itself? Is it intoxicated with hormones, drugs, chemicals, fluoride and other foreign matter? (I invested in a ridiculously expensive water machine a few years ago to eliminate these intruders and make the water live)
  3. #3 – NUTRIENTS: Has my toxicity come from what I’ve been eating?
    1. Is it the “food” supply that has caused my toxicity?
    2. Have I been feasting on fake food, trans fats, processed foods and packaged foods loaded with artificial flavourings, chemicals and preservatives?
  • Have I been consuming staple inflammatory culprits including the modern hybridised wheat grain (gluten in bread, pasta and breakfast cereals) and cow’s milk which is designed for baby cows to grow fast?
  1. Have I been consuming animals that have been raised in intensive farms and loaded with hormones and antibiotics?
  2. Have I been eating fruits and vegetables laced in pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides?
  3. Have I been feasting on SUGAR, or foods high in sugar, which is cancer’s no.1 fuel?
  • Am I malnourished in micronutrients – vitamins and minerals and live enzymes from organic plant-based foods, which should comprise around 70-80% of my daily food intake?
  1. #4 – THE ABILITY TO ELIMINATE WASTE: Has toxicity built up from not being active (again), and thus not allowed the lymphatic system to work efficiently? (This is the ‘waste disposal’ part of the immune system that only works effectively when the body is active and warmed up slightly – unlike the blood circulatory system that has a pump to pump blood around the body)
  2. Do I have infections / pathogens / parasites / fungi / a virus / candida or anything else causing toxicity in my gut?
  3. Do I have heavy metal poisoning? Mercury in my teeth?
  4. Have I been exposed to EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields) – mobile phone radiation / WiFi/ Bluetooth / EMFs in the homes or surrounding areas / Pylons etc.
  5. Have other environmental toxins entered my body? E.g Asbestos / high concentration of fumes?
  6. Has my toxicity come from chronic stress that has caused immune system suppression due to living in fight or flight consistently, thrown my whole body out of balance, tightened up my DNA, and triggered or contributed to chronic inflammation?
  7. Last, but not least, and ever so important, is there TRAUMA stored in my body, which has created the foundations for disease? This is now known to be, in the holistic space, a leading cause of every chronic imbalance known to man. It actually makes your body more susceptible to developing inflammation, and thus, all chronic diseases. Trauma is stored in the brain, in your psoas muscles, and throughout the muscle fascia in the body. Trauma is also the root cause of a chronic state of negative emotions – including depression, stress, anxiety, anger, resentment, sadness, loneliness, rage etc. All of these can lead to dis-ease. The sad, and yet very real thing to know, is that if you’re a walking talking breathing human, you’ll have suffered trauma to some degree, and it’s necessary to find ways to release it from the body.


I’d then go on a mission to heal my own body, addressing every angle at once – this is what holistic medicine is all about. In order of importance, I’d address each cell fuel like this:

  • Get active and get oxygen pumping around my body (or find an alternative way of oxygenating the body)
  • Drink premium quality water money can buy (I drink Kangen, by a company called Enagic)
  • I’d eliminate sugar, gluten, dairy and probably every other grain. I’d switch to either a grain-free plant-based diet or ketogenic diet (when you switch your body to fuelling off ketones instead of glucose, meaning you’re no longer consuming the fuel that feeds cancer cells. This diet can literally starve cancer cells to death and is effective in many cases – not every, but many)
  • I’d ensure I was eliminating waste from my body. By moving and/or I’d have lymphatic massages and engage in infrared sauna therapy / floatation tanks (sensory deprived tanks with water and Epsom salts), Cyro Therapy and lots more non-dietary ‘biohacks’ and strategies to cleanse the body and trigger its healing mechanisms.

I’d heavily research cannabis, the most powerful plant on the planet for its medicinal properties, with 20,000 pier-reviewed studies proving its effectiveness in over 400 illnesses. It’s highly effective with shrinking cancer tumours and detoxifying the liver. We have an endocannabinoid system in the human body that responds remarkably well to cannabis. Its often taken as a CBC oil (with no THC, the psychoactive component), or both the CBC and THC as is often required with cancer patients. Read The Cannabis Manifesto and or watch The Sacred Plant documentary series.

I’d engage in a spiritual / energetic practice such as medication, qi gong, tai chi etc and I would fly to Peru and take Ayahuasca / iboga to get to the root of any trauma and help heal my body with this plant medicine that has been banned.

What are my credentials? Few people ask me for my credentials. Results my customers and clients are getting are my credentials. I do have a qualification as a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist.

Some incredible resources: The Truth About Cancer 9-part documentary series. You will not live in fear of it again and learn how it is created in the body and how to reverse it naturally, and if undergoing chemo/radio, how to ramp up the immune system so it isn’t destroyed by the treatment.

Episode One Of The Truth About Cancer…/

My interview with Steve Soffer who reversed his prostate cancer in 3 months by changing what he was eating:……/

Tripping Over The Truth…/…/1500600318

Cancer As A Metabolic Disease…/…/

Heal Documentary:

Healing cancer with cannabis (the most powerful medicinal plant on the planet)

The Sacred Plant documentary series:

The Vitality Secret by yours truly (for an overview of step one of cancer’s development: chronic inflammation.)…/…/B01BA8J2U4

After thoughts…

Have you heard of the term ‘nocebo?’ Here’s a clue: we know that the placebo effect is when an individual is given a pretend medication, and due to the immense power of the mind-body connection, the mind will believe that the placebo is a medicine and will trigger natural healing mechanisms in the body. The nocebo effect is almost the opposite of this. A person can receive the diagnosis that they have 3 months to live, or 6 months to live, from an authority whom they trust, and this alone is enough for the mind-body connection to trigger, and the mind will shut down the body, whether the person is ill or not. The person will normally die within days of the time frame. In effect, you might call it a death sentence. Oncologists are still doing giving them. Why do they not know about the ‘nocebo’ effect?

A brief history of the medical industry

In short: The Carnegie & Rockefeller commission The Flexner Report of 1910, which was a pre-ordained report. This meant they knew what the outcome would be. It eliminated all competition to patent petrochemical education. In laymen’s terms it gave them full reign to influence the course material taught to doctors. Over the following years, they invested hundreds of millions of dollars into the medical schools throughout the US, and The American Medical Association. Donors from the C&F Foundation would sit with the boards of directors and influence the course material taught to doctors.


The post What Exactly Is Cancer And Should We Really Fear It? appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

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