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The Opioid Time Bomb - What Exactly Is Going On? - Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy Google Analytics Alternative
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The Opioid Time Bomb – What Exactly Is Going On?

Detective Neil here, at your service. The use of OPIODS has hit the headlines in the UK this week. (Use of painkillers up 80% in 10 years, costing the tax payer £263 million per year, 90% of cases they don’t work, 200,000 known Opioid addictions in UK, 16,800 deaths in the US from opioids alone, serious side effects etc…) This isn’t a chirpy post, and I know it’s Friday, yet it’s something I think is really important to talk about. What are opioids I hear you say? Street legal heroin basically. LEGAL drugs derived from the opium plant from which heroin is made. (Side note: did you know the ADHD drug, Adderal, is street-legal Meth? No wonder it made me jittery when I tried it a few years ago).
Somehow, these highly addictive and harmful drugs have been approved, whereas medicinal cannabis (here it is again), a plant – from Mother Nature – which has been proven effective in treating 400 health conditions including dissolving cancer tumours and alleviation of pain, is highly anti-inflammatory and is a powerful antioxidant, remains illegal. Did you know the US government has a patent on CBD (cannabidiol) as a neuro-protector? (meaning it protects the brain) Hmm…
One of the pharmaceutical companies that has been found guilty of helping to trigger America’s Opioid crisis is Purdue Pharma (according to the Evening Standard Investigations editor, David Cohen), and was fined in 2007 for marketing OxyContin – ‘with intent to defraud and mislead’ regulators. (They had to pay $600million, a fraction of the $3 Billion Glaxo was fined in 2012 after admitting bribing doctors and encouraging the prescription of unsuitable antidepressants to CHILDREN. True story, see link at the bottom.)
Now. This Pharma company is the main source of wealth for the Sacklers family. Check this out: The Sacklers family have made donations to our ELITE academic institutions includingOXFORD University, UCL, King’s College. Some of our leading Schools Of Medicine. CONFLICT OF INTEREST, MUCH?!! Oxford University has received £11m from Sacklers. (Side note: Do you know where education for already qualified doctors on the latest drugs comes from? Something to think about…are we all guinea pigs?? The book, Bad Pharma, by Dan Goldacre explains this in superb detail, link below. And yes, we are guinea pigs). Another side note, did you know that pharmaceutical drug side effects kill more than 106,000 people every year in the US – when used CORRECTLY, as prescribed by their doctors. We don’t hear about them in the news do we? (Link below)
Ladies and gentlemen, this Opioid example is a tiny example of the widespread corruption of donations from pharmaceutical companies to leading institutions that are educating our doctors and medical professionals. Did you see my article last year when I debunked a terrible article in the Guardian newspaper last year, about how natural treatments for cancer don’t work? That was written by an Oxford University researcher. My initial thought when I read that, was “who paid for this researcher to write that article?” I’ve come to realise that we simply cannot trust the media on pretty much anything related to health.
Donations such as these, have been happening since 1910 when Carnegie & Rockefeller changed the entire medical landscape as we know it today and quite literally changed the education taught to doctors, to make it about drugs that they were manufacturing. They saw to it that all the schools teaching natural approaches to medicine were shut down. More on that in this article:
I also wanted to raise awareness of the products page on Purdue Pharma – You’ll see at the top a drug to treat Opioid – Induced Constipation. And below that, you’ll see their Opioid drugs!!!! This is a prime example of the “pill for a pill” society we now live in. On the same page!!! It’s laughable. And seriously – and unconsciously – HARMFUL. This applies to just about every drug used to treat common and chronic illnesses and diseases. Another example is Viagra to support men wth ED who take statins for “high cholesterol” (a complete waste of time as it’s inflammation that leads to heart disease, not cholesterol, and we need cholesterol for our sex hormones and cell membrane health throughout our entire body, and lots more).
Pain drugs do not treat the ROOT CAUSE (#TheVitalitySecret) just like every medication for illnesses and chronic diseases. They ignore why the pain or symptom is there in the first place. This is where Western Medicine is still failing people. When we listen to our pain, when we listen to our symptoms – this beautiful and remarkably magical and intelligent communication from our body – WE CAN HEAL OURSELVES! Pain is really just an action signal for changing what we’re doing. Sadly, we’re conditioned to numb this and ignore our emotions and “Band Aid” symptoms, which often leads to serious harm down the road. And when pain comes from chronic pain and fibromyalgia (as referred to in the newspapers), we need to understand the root cause of that pain – so we can heal. I’m about to do a Facebook Live interview with a very close friend of mine, Anahita, who healed herself of chronic pain after years of suffering from it – by discovering the root cause and mind-body connection. She refused point blank to take opioids as she was prescribed.)
Finally and on a lighter note: We are living in truly exciting times to be alive and we are going to see a radical shift in the world of medicine over the next decade or so. More and more people are realising the ineffectiveness of pharmaceutical drugs in healing the body, and more importantly how they PREVENT the body from healing, how they all come with side effects and often create more problems for which another is prescribed. People are HEALING themselves of all kinds of so called ‘INCURABLE” conditions, when they realise how limited Western medicine is in treating illnesses and chronic disease (they’re great in emergencies / physical trauma).
(ACTUAL) FINALLY: We all have the power to heal our own body. Our Bodies are designed to heal. They want to heal. They always want to be in a state of balance. As Gregg Braden says: “Every organ in the body is designed to heal, given the right environment” – it’s therefore up to us to create the right environment within, to allow the body to do, what it ultimately wants to do.
This is what I do. I help you get to the root cause of your health challenge, reverse it, so you can become free of symptoms, pain and medication. Book a strategy call here:
My review of “Prescription Thugs”:
Carnegie & Rockefeller Medicine
Bad Pharma book:
Our unconscious pharmaceutical friends:
Our Oxford Researcher friend wrote this damning article on Natural Cancer Treatment – all claims he made are false. I have written a full article on my blog showing why they’re false.
106,000 people die each year from side effects of medications.
I DO COACHING and help you to heal your own body to become free of illness, pain and medication:
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