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Documentaries, Inflammation, Nutrition

Getting Real With Neil: Rethinking Cancer

I was inspired to start this series after a heated conversation with a very close friend of mine. He’s very intelligent, creating massive changes in the world – and he held a lot of resistance, to say the least, towards what I was saying about cancer, after he mentioned how his friend has a couple of weeks to live. So, here goes. This is not for the faint hearted. I’m getting real.

Getting Real With Neil: Episode One: The Truth About Cancer

Dear ‘Friend I Respect A Lot’ (I’m keeping his true name anonymous to protect his interests)

I’ve been reflecting on our chat since yesterday and I realise I could have handled my approach better. Cancer is something that is very close to my heart as I lost 3 friends to it in the space of a year – or maybe the treatment they received. (Did you know that statistically, 54-58% of people who die from cancer die from the treatment – chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy or surgery? The remainder die from the Cachexia – the wasting away of protein and lean body mass – no one dies from cancer itself)

I’ve witnessed too people suffer unnecessarily – because they’re not educated on what it actually is. I’ve been researching it for many years and interviewed a number of people who have reversed it holistically – including Steve Soffer from METal. He reversed his prostate cancer holistically with a radical shift in diet / meditation / movement and other methods.

The point I was attempting to help you to understand is that cancer is not what the mainstream media & medical industry leads us to believe that it is – in 95% of cases. We are led to believe that it’s a genetic disease and out of our control.  I now understand it is as a symptom of toxicity in the body and a suppressed immune system. It wasn’t an overnight discovery. According to world renowned cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton (and other pioneers in holistic healing), in only 5% of cases of all chronic disease (including cancer), they are a result of genes that are “fully penetrant” which means that we do not have the power to influence their expression (whether they are turned on or not – by the environment we keep in our bodies).  This means that in 95% of cases, we are in full control of whether or not illness (including cancer) develops in our body.

Essentially, cancer is a symptom – a communication from our body – to make massive change – in the vast majority of cases. Some forms of Leukaemia, I believe, are forms of cancer that are truly genetic  – that’s not to say that they cannot be reversed holistically. The body will heal anything with the correct approach. I know that’s a giant claim, but that’s now my belief, or rather, my understanding – having been in this space for 7 years.

I’m of the opinion that the cure does not lie in a quick fix or magic pill. The cure lies in rethinking what it actually is, and essentially redefining it, so people can take their power back (as corny as that sounds), take it up on themselves to get fully educated in it, so they can heal they own bodies and witness the symptom called cancer disappear.  Solid state tumours can take a decade to develop into something that is detectable. It’s the tip of the iceberg and years of toxicity and immune system suppression that has led to it. Modern treatment completely ignores the root cause and destroys the body and immune system in the treatments. It normally comes back with a vengeance as the stem cells are still lingering and the immune system has been annihilated by the treatment. Cancer cannot grow in clean body and it cannot develop with a healthy immune system.

I see cancer as the body’s final cry for change. Whenever I meet a practitioner who helps people to reverse cancer holistically – they do so across a number of different pathways. It’s never just one – or rarely one.

Toxicity can come from what we consume (so much of what is in grocery stores should not be called food), the environment, (asbestos / fumes / chemical plants / water / EMFs / toxic soil etc), how much we move (or don’t – as sedentary lives allows toxicity to build up), emotional toxicity (stored trauma, chronic negative emotions, stress, trapped emotions) and more. And anything that triggers inflammation in the body is causing the immune system to be suppressed. Chronic inflammation is at the root of most forms of cancer.

Understanding the human body as an electrical system (which it is), it is now known that cancer develops at +30mV – when the cells throughout the body function healthily between -20mV to -25mV.  To make the charge flip polarity to +30mV (not a good thing) requires all kinds of imbalances in the body – namely those mentioned above – and really, the main cause is a lack of oxygen getting into the cells.

In Radical Remission, Dr Kelly Turner presented the findings of 250 people who radically reversed very advanced stages of cancer and how they did it. There were 9 common themes;

    • Radically changing your diet
    • Taking control of your health
    • Following your intuition
    • Using herbs and supplements
    • Releasing suppressed emotions
    • Increasing positive emotions
    • Embracing social support
    • Deepening your spiritual connection
  • Having strong reasons for living

You mentioned that if you had the cure for cancer (maybe you didn’t say it in such words), you’d happily give it away. I understand why you’d want to do this and it is truly honourable of you. The reason I wasn’t fully aligning with this – or rather I was reacting (in full honesty) to your disagreement with people who charge for their services in helping people reverse cancer – is because I see the reversal of cancer as an involved process. It is not a quick fix. It’s a thorough cleanse and detoxification across many pathways and systems in the body, in order to allow the body to heal itself. When a practitioner is involved, this requires substantial time, encouragement, self-empowerment and belief. And therefore I think it’s absolutely fine to charge for their services, as do I.

The only cure for cancer in my opinion, is educating people on what it is, to help people shift their thinking – their consciousness – around it. It is my aim to create a non-profit or charity around cancer consciousness and involving the best of the best pioneers in healing. This means encouraging self-empowerment. This is a dream of mine. The human body is an immensely powerful self-healing machine. Healing is also an innate ability we all have. The challenge is that we have been conditioned on a monumental scale, to give away this power we have to heal ourselves. And sadly, we’re hading over this power to people who are not actually trained to heal. They are trained a certain way (history of which I mentioned yesterday and is here) – and this is all slowly but surely being brought to light.

It is my opinion that the medical industry and cancer industry needs to be disrupted. Too many people are suffering unnecessarily. It works some of the time (it has to, or it wouldn’t exist) – certainly in emergencies. We just need to know when it serves us and when it does not.

I hope this is well received. You’re a very intelligent man and I respect your advice and your opinion. Just like you’re creating something amazing and world-changing, and disrupting the transportation industry, I, too, am onto creating big changes in the world of medicine and healing – playing my part at least.  I don’t know if you’ve ever fully understood what I’m about or what I’m working on. I’m onto some pretty huge things. I’m playing my part in disrupting the medical industry. You know I’ve helped people reverse a plethora of chronic inflammatory health challenges and got people off medication. Maybe in time, it will be cancer that I help people with.

See you when I’m back.



PS. I tried to keep this short, believe it or not. If you’d like to see more stuff I’ve written on this, I include a link below in resource. My own article:
PPS: Resources

Heal Documentary (now on Netflix):
The Truth About Cancer (9-part documentary series with interviews with world class pioneers)
Under oxygenation of cells is often reported as the #1 reason for chronic disease. Dr Jerry Tennant reports that chronic disease exists when your body loses the ability to create new cells that work. They’re not being fuelled effectively and are not able to expel toxins. Healing Is Voltage:
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