Reverse Inflammation – Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy Burn fat, increase metabolism, raise testosterone and get your mojo back Sun, 29 Mar 2020 22:02:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Reverse Inflammation – My Interview With Dr. Thomas Incledon Wed, 11 May 2016 06:03:40 +0000 Last week I had the great fortune to be able to interview Dr. Thomas Incledon of Human Performance Specialists, based in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr Incledon has a phenomenal track record helping people heal their illnesses and diseases, which are sometimes “terminal.” That’s in quotation marks as people are often told by their doctors who they hold ...

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Last week I had the great fortune to be able to interview Dr. Thomas Incledon of Human Performance Specialists, based in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr Incledon has a phenomenal track record helping people heal their illnesses and diseases, which are sometimes “terminal.” That’s in quotation marks as people are often told by their doctors who they hold at the highest regard, that they have a terminal illness. It’s like they’re given a death sentence. Low and behold, when they realise conventional medicine does not work, and they decide to pursue “alternative” routes, some are fortunate enough to meet the likes of Dr Incledon, and are given new hope. In a previous interview with Dr Incledon in November, he was actually discussing the absurdity of how alternative treatment is regarded as natural methods, whereas the norm – the conventional norm – is drugs. It really has swung in completely the wrong direction and the medical profession as we know it, is sometimes doing more harm than good.

Dr Incledon also works with world class athletes from all over the world to get them into peak physical shape, to the top of their game. His clients have included NFL players, basketball and baseball players, golfers and also Hollywood starts and billionaires.

You should see the pictures he has in his office with all of these famous athletes as well as the qualifications. Here is the first interview with him, split up into two videos:

In this video, we talk a little about his background and his mission, and then the importance of water and micronutrients:

In this part, we talk about the importance of:

1) Breathing (no one breathes enough these days, particularly sedentary people)
2) Staying hydrated – plenty of water
3) Micronutrients – eating the rainbow
4) Importance of keeping blood sugars low
5) Sleep and relaxation

Got some questions? Leave them here and I will reply.

You can reach Dr. Thomas Incledon here: and see his thoroughly tried and tested supplements here: ANTI-INFLAMMATORY SUPPLEMENTS. The top two supplements to start with would be Buswellia Plus (highly anti-inflammatory) and Gut Defend (a very high quality probiotic – essential for maintaining a healthy gut).

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Inflammation And Low Testosterone Wed, 09 Mar 2016 03:24:51 +0000 If you’re a man over 40 and you’re feeling low on energy, you struggle to gain muscle, you gain weight easily, you have a low libido, you can’t think clearly and you’re unmotivated, your bone density is decreasing (you probably wouldn’t know this) then you may be suffering from low testosterone. And/or, you may be severely undernourished of micronutrients and ...

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If you’re a man over 40 and you’re feeling low on energy, you struggle to gain muscle, you gain weight easily, you have a low libido, you can’t think clearly and you’re unmotivated, your bone density is decreasing (you probably wouldn’t know this) then you may be suffering from low testosterone. And/or, you may be severely undernourished of micronutrients and /or suffering from inflammation.

Let’s focus on testosterone – the hormone that makes you manly. This drops off after about the age of 35 by about 1% per year unless you do something about it. Unfortunately, it’s falling off faster than that these days due to the environment in which we live and the fact that we live very sedentary and stressful lives. In fact, today, we’re said to be 22% less manly than our fathers were – testosterone levels have dropped by 22% in 2 decades. Operations to correct ‘man boobs’ is now the 4th most popular surgery carried out on men in the US. Sperm counts have as much as halved in half a century. Something very freaky is going on in the world! This is all revealed in Mojo Multiplier.

Guess what. Our conventionally “healthy” diet has a lot to do with it. So much to do with it in fact. Sure, we are faced with hormone-disrupting chemicals and compounds like pesticides and herbicides, there is oestrogen in the water supply which is causing male fish to change sex (they’re growing eggs) and alligator penises to shrink (true story) – and is harming men too.  There are also endocrine-disrupting (hormone disrupting) compounds in shower gels, conditioners, shampoos, plastics and more.


The Vitality Secret

Something else is happening too. We’re all becoming inflamed – and that’s your body’s reaction to what it perceives as an attack on it. It’s an immune response. I’ve just written a book which is all about inflammation called The Vitality Secret. (It’s actually at no. 5 in nutrition on Amazon right now and no.2 in Immune Systems.) In fact, you can pick it the first two chapters for FREE right now by hitting this link. Inflammation is closely related to low testosterone. It’s not surprising as inflammation happens when you consistently take in toxins (often unknowingly), together with not moving enough, stress and lack of sleep. Those 4 things lead to inflammation. Inflammation means your hormones will become imbalanced. It’s as if your machine, the human engine, is not firing on all cylinders when you’re inflamed. Sadly, there is so much absolute garbage in our food supply which means we take in these toxins unknowingly. In fact, some of us think that we’re eating a healthy diet, when in fact, it’s far from healthy. There is conventionally healthy and there is actually healthy. Check out this quote from BodyEcology on inflammation and low testosterone and pay close attention to no.1.


Simply controlling blood sugar with diet and weight loss may be enough to restore levels of testosterone. (3) In fact, Grossman suggests that changes in lifestyle should be the first line of treatment in men with low testosterone and signs of metabolic syndrome.

Inflammation negatively impacts the hypothalamic–pituitary–testicular axis—the system that regulates levels of testosterone in the body. (4)(5)

The hypothalamic–pituitary–testicular axis is most influenced by:

  1. Diet: A pro-inflammatory diet that includes gluten and other common food irritants like casein is often at the root of hormonal imbalance. Too much sugar in the diet will also feed Candida overgrowth, making the problem of inflammation worse. Both pro-inflammatory foods and excessive sugar can interfere with the control of blood sugar. Additionally, many pesticides are endocrine disrupters and interfere with hormonal balance—so, avoiding GMO and choosing organic foods is important. (6)

  2. Sleep: Too little sleep, irregular sleep, or shift-work is inherently stressful to your metabolic system. Poor sleep quality sets the body up for inflammation, poor blood sugar regulation, and hormonal imbalance Read more and see research references here on BodyEcology

I invite you to download The Vitality Secret book now for FREE by clicking this link. You won’t regret it, I promise!


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The Link Between Stress, Low Testosterone And Eczema Thu, 25 Feb 2016 05:46:40 +0000 I thought I’d share with you a video I made about how I accidentally cured my own eczema. You may be wondering what on earth that has to do with testosterone decline. There is a clear link. That link is inflammation. Inflammation is the prime culprit behind eczema, and many other common illnesses including asthma, ...

The post The Link Between Stress, Low Testosterone And Eczema appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

I thought I’d share with you a video I made about how I accidentally cured my own eczema. You may be wondering what on earth that has to do with testosterone decline. There is a clear link. That link is inflammation. Inflammation is the prime culprit behind eczema, and many other common illnesses including asthma, psoriasis, Crohn’s Disease, IBS and even food and animal allergies.  Inflammation causes testosterone levels to drop, as do high levels of stress.  Chronic inflammation is what leads to most chronic diseases.

Quick recap on inflammation – it’s a reaction in your body, an immune response, to what it perceives as an attack on it. It’s a self-protection mechanism. An example of acute inflammation is when you injure say, your ankle. It swells up and your body sends some fluids to it and it heats up and becomes painful so you don’t walk on it and cause further damage. Your body does what it needs to do so it repairs the injury. With such injury, it is normally repaired and put in the past. Internal inflammation happens when we are exposed to certain toxins, whether they’re in the environment or certain food types, that our body does not recognise and your immune system perceives them as invaders. You become inflamed. Inflammation can be in your gut, your joints, your lungs, your brain, your throat, skin, your arteries and veins, anywhere really. It often goes unnoticed and chronic inflammation is what leads to most chronic diseases.

Another cause of inflammation is high levels of chronic stress. The stress hormone, cortisol, triggers an immune response and actually suppresses the immune system. Cortisol creates an acidic environment in the body which breaks down muscle tissue and bones weaken because the calcium in the bones neutralise the acid to bring it back to alkaline. Basically, high, consistent levels of stress are not a good thing. In short bouts, it’s a very useful hormone and we can turn super human and be super productive. It’s a fight or flight mechanism. Consistent high levels of cortisol is not a good thing and really must be avoided, or at least minimised.

Finally, inflammation causes testosterone levels to decline, as do consistent high levels of cortisol.

On Thursday (25th February) I’m holding a webinar which I’m entitling, “How I Accidentally Cured My Eczema“. It’s ultimately about reversing inflammation, by nutrition and lifestyle changes and there is a big emphasis on psychology. This is the most challenging part. SIGN UP HERE AND JOIN ME FOR A FREE WEBINAR. It will be highly worth your time and I promise you will be better off having watched it. Discover how to eat to reverse inflammation, how to move to reverse inflammation and how to think differently to remove the word stress from your life. THIS IS POWERFUL STUFF!

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My Advice To My Friend Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer Tue, 09 Feb 2016 20:23:28 +0000 Last week, my friend who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer came over to see me. He’s 53 and what he told me broke my heart. He has multiple tumours. He was diagnosed too late and his insurance has just decided to cancel his insurance. Still, I’m hopeful he will cure it without drastic surgery ...

The post My Advice To My Friend Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

Last week, my friend who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer came over to see me. He’s 53 and what he told me broke my heart. He has multiple tumours. He was diagnosed too late and his insurance has just decided to cancel his insurance. Still, I’m hopeful he will cure it without drastic surgery which would leave him incontinent. It’s been a nerve racking time for him to say the least, as I’m sure you can imagine.  What saddens me is the amount of poor advice he’s been offered. It’s taken him on quite a journey to meet the leading experts. A few months ago I wrote him an email which I shared on this blog and I suggested that he sought multiple opinions and to not let money stand in the way. He has sold his house to cover this. Did you know the number one reason for bankruptcy in the US is medical bills?

I wanted to share with you what I recommended to him, much of which I got from The Truth About Cancer series that was screened in October. Naturally I can’t override any trained professional or physician or oncologist. I truly believe it’s worth doing all of this, whilst thoroughly researching your options and following your doctor’s advice. 

1) Avoid high GI carbohydrates that trigger a sharp blood sugar response: Potatoes, rice, bread, pasta, all grains. Insulin feeds cancer cells and cancer cells have 15 times the number of insulin receptors as normal cells. Sugar and high GI carbs trigger a sharp blood sugar spike and insulin response. This means sugar is cancer’s no.1 fuel. Avoid sugar and high GI carbs. Rice has a GI of 70. AVOID IT!!! Stop those breakfast cereals too – they’re high GI and full of flavourings and preservatives and sugar which trigger inflammation

2) Avoid: Cow’s milk. It’s inflammatory, probably because it’s designed for baby cows to grow fast.

3) Grain-free alternatives: A much better source of carb is sweet potato / yams and quinoa. Preferably, just have veggies and be in nutritional ketosis when your body burns ketones from fat for energy, not glucose from carbs.   

Breakfast alternative to cereals: 2-3 Whole organic eggs cooked in coconut oil, loaded with veggies: spinach, peppers, onions. Side of avocado, green salad with olive oil.

Quinoa bowl with almond / coconut milk – need to check the recipe. Don’t drink cow’s milk. It’s designed for cows.

4) Lunch suggestion: Vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables. Did I forget to mention, vegetables? Maybe fatty fish with it like mackerel / tuna / sardines. Wild / organic. Vegans live the longest for a reason – tons of micronutrients. Drink shots of wheatgrass.

5) Eat fats: avocados, olive, olive oil, nuts, seeds, fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel etc), EGGS, coconut oil, coconut meat. These are satiating (make you feel full) and are fuel for your cells, and anti-inflammatory. 

6) Anti-Inflammatory spices & supplements: Turmeric, garlic, black pepper, omega-3 fish oil supplements

7) Drink green vegetable juices and / or vegetable smoothies every day: Spinach, kale,parsley, cucumber, celery, ginger, lemon – Nektar (SM) for example. Buy a juicer. This is one method the Gerson Institute uses to treat patients along with colon therapy. Don’t juice fruits – sugar content is far too high. Eat fruits whole and keep to a few pieces a day max. Preferably have with nuts to suppress insulin response. Grapefruits are super healthy with a low GI of 25. 

8) Intermittent fasting: Fast for 16 hours a day and starve the cancer cells of insulin completely. Finish eating at, say 8pm, then don’t eat again until 12pm the next day. Eat only in an 8 hour window and stick to low carb, high fat food. 

9) Avoid anything packaged. Treats:

10) Stick to everything that is real: vegetables, fruit (whole only), ‘eat the rainbow’, not too much fruit though because of sugar content. Meat and fish. Ideally, go vegetarian and avoid grains as they’re inflammatory and high GI. Remember to have green veggies with meat or fish to alkalise the body – meat on its own or with carbs creates an acidic environment in the body.  

11) Sign Up To And Watch the rest of The Truth About Cancer series!! And read The Vitality Secret, it’s a great book 🙂

12) Essential oils: Frankincense and myrrh – rub it around the area. Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh – gold is Turmeric, King of Spices.  

13) Do yoga to destress. Meditate. Playful acronym for fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Keep stress to a minimum. Reframe “stressful” events to new meanings that are empowering and not self-deprecating. The only meaning events have are the meanings we give to them, and they’re based on stories from the past. Stress is a code word for fear. Anxiety is derived from fear. Short bouts of stress are great and put us into fight or flight / survival mode. Short bouts of stress make you act like a superhuman. Chronic is dangerous as it stimulates consistent elevated levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. This triggers inflammation and creates an acidic environment in your body, a breeding ground for cancer and literally eats away at muscle tissue. You want a slightly alkaline environment as much as you can – another reason to drink green drinks and wheatgrass shots and lots of greens. Lots. 

14) Buy Earthing Pillow cases: and connect to the Earth’s healing energy.

15) Get lots of sleep and continue alcohol-free and sugar-free. 

16) Starve cancer cells. Feed the Immune system. 

16) Recommended viewing: Sick, Fat & Nearly Dead. Joe Cross (the presenter) did a 60 day vegetable juice cleanse and cured 6 chronic illnesses. He supplemented with fats. He came off a cocktail of medications and people all over the world are following suit to cure their illnesses without meds. 

Rob Brydon, healing a cancer tumour in 3 minutes with energy healing:

Check it out, it can’t hurt:

Dr Sha curing breast cancer:

Gerson Therapy (micronutrient therapy and colon cleansing):

All you need to know to reverse type-2 diabetes:

Inflammation blood tests – C–Reactive Protein, TNF-Alpha, Plasma Viscosity. Might be worth having a test. 

UPDATED: Join me for a webinar on 25 February 2016 at 6pm Pacific when I explain more about inflammation and how I cured my eczema by reversing it. 3 Components to reversing it: 1) Nutrition, 2) Physical Activity, 3) A Psychology Shift – the most challenging and fascinating part! CLICK HERE Reverse Inflammation and you can avoid chronic disease and cure many common illnesses. 

Side note: As I was talking with him, I was actually rethinking the subtitle of my new book, The Vitality Secret, which I launched last week. I decided the previous one was too soft and I was understating its aim. I’m onto something big here so people don’t have to go through what my friend is going through. I wanted it to say exactly what it sets out to do – and that is to defy disease, combat common illnesses and to stay young. It is about chronic inflammation which leads to most, if not all chronic diseases. By the way, if you’re inflamed, your testosterone levels will certainly be suffering.

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