Day One - Warm Up, Dumbbell Loaded Lunge, Goblet Loaded Squat, Military /Standing Press, Barbell Bench Press, Forearm Plank Hold, Bicep Curl
Day Two - 20-30 mins of gentle cardio
Day Three - 20-30 mins of gentle cardio
Day Four - Warm Up, Dumbbell Loaded Squat, Kettle Bell Swing, Dumbbell Bench Press, Lat Pull Down, Bear Crawl, Tricep Extension
Day Five - 20-30 mins of gentle cardio
Day Six - 15 minutes of sprints for 30 seconds at a time - High Intensity Interval Training
Day Seven - Rest

Full Body Dynamic Warm Up


Dumbell Loaded Lunges

Dumbell Loaded Squat

Muscles Worked: Glutes (butt), hamstrings, calves, quadriceps, core (as stabiliser muscles). The core muscles comprise the rectus abdominus which are your main abdominal muscles. Also your obliques or external ab muscles. The erectro spinae or lower back is also strengthened or injured if not done so correctly. Be careful to never sacrifice form.

Goblet Loaded Squat


Plank Hold

Main muscles worked by the plank are the abdominals; rectus abdominis) and the transversus abdominis. These are the muscles in your belly, and the muscles that sit in between your belly and your side muscles. Stabilising muscles contracted include the obliques in your waist, your hip flexors, your quadriceps in your thighs, the pectoralis major in your chest, and a group of muscles covering your ribcage called serratus anterior, or “boxer’s muscle.”

Hold the plank for a minute without sinking your lower back to avoid injury. You can mix them up by raising your legs either one at a time or alternately. If you want to go nuts, raise your arms out in front as well. You'll be dripping in no time.


Push Ups

Push ups are a great compound exercise. They work all the muscles in your back, shoulders, triceps and to some extent your biceps. Do 3 sets, each time doing as many as you can to failure. This will vary a lot according to the individual. You can mix them up between hands shoulder width apart, wide handed and diamond.

Bench Press With Dumbbells

Muscles Worked: Back, shoulders, biceps, legs (quads and hamstrings)

Use appropriate weights to do 3 sets; first 12-15 reps, then 10-12, then 6-8 for maximum strength gaining and fat burning effectiveness. Do in a controlled manner and maintain good form at all times. Never compromise form!

Standard Bench Press (With Weights)

Muscles Worked: Back, shoulders, biceps, chest.

Resistance bands are an excellent way to tone muscles, not so effective at building muscle as the resistance is never as much as you'd achieve with weights. You can vary the exercises as you'll see and work a number of muscle groups at the same time making them a good compound exercise.

Bear Crawl

Muscles Worked: Arms, shoulders, traps, neck, core, thighs, hamstrings, calves, wrists, hands and feet! That's not to mention the anaerobic benefits. (Anaerobic exercise is an exercise intense enough to trigger lactic acid formation. It is used by athletes in non-endurance sports to promote strength, speed and power and by body builders to build muscle mass.

The Bear Crawl is the MMA fighters, wrestlers, fighters, martial artist best friend. Bear Crawls work the body the way every athlete needs. Get Bear Crawling! You'll need lots of space. If you want to attract some attention from your neighbours your front yard would make a great spot.

Lat Pull Down

The Lat Pull Down strengthens muscles in the upper back and arms. They develop a muscle group in your back called the latissimus dorsi, or lats. Your lats pull your arms toward your torso. Rowers and swimmers typically have well-developed lats due to the types of arm movements they regularly perform. Other options for developing your lats include chin ups and rowing movements with barbells, dumbbells or resistance machines.

Kettle Bells

Fantastic exercise to strengthen your body and burn a ton of fat. It develops tremendous power in your hamstrings, glutes, and core, which will improve your other lifts like the squat and dead lift. It also works your lungs and increases your metabolism because it repeats so quickly.

Adding the swing to your workout will absolutely improve your athleticism. It is, however, one of the most butchered exercises on Earth. Start with the kettle bell dead lift first—it will build a great foundation and teach good technique.


Bicep Curls

Tricep Extension


Welcome to week five of the Mojo Multiplier Blueprint. In the second half of this 8 week program, we're adding in some weights with barbells and kettle bells! If you're not keen to include the weights, then continue with the bodyweight exercises in weeks 3 or 4.