The Truth About Cancer – Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy Burn fat, increase metabolism, raise testosterone and get your mojo back Sun, 29 Mar 2020 22:02:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Getting Real With Neil: Rethinking Cancer Thu, 07 Feb 2019 18:37:26 +0000 I was inspired to start this series after a heated conversation with a very close friend of mine. He’s very intelligent, creating massive changes in the world – and he held a lot of resistance, to say the least, towards what I was saying about cancer, after he mentioned how his friend has a couple ...

The post Getting Real With Neil: Rethinking Cancer appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

I was inspired to start this series after a heated conversation with a very close friend of mine. He’s very intelligent, creating massive changes in the world – and he held a lot of resistance, to say the least, towards what I was saying about cancer, after he mentioned how his friend has a couple of weeks to live. So, here goes. This is not for the faint hearted. I’m getting real.

Getting Real With Neil: Episode One: The Truth About Cancer

Dear ‘Friend I Respect A Lot’ (I’m keeping his true name anonymous to protect his interests)

I’ve been reflecting on our chat since yesterday and I realise I could have handled my approach better. Cancer is something that is very close to my heart as I lost 3 friends to it in the space of a year – or maybe the treatment they received. (Did you know that statistically, 54-58% of people who die from cancer die from the treatment – chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy or surgery? The remainder die from the Cachexia – the wasting away of protein and lean body mass – no one dies from cancer itself)

I’ve witnessed too people suffer unnecessarily – because they’re not educated on what it actually is. I’ve been researching it for many years and interviewed a number of people who have reversed it holistically – including Steve Soffer from METal. He reversed his prostate cancer holistically with a radical shift in diet / meditation / movement and other methods.

The point I was attempting to help you to understand is that cancer is not what the mainstream media & medical industry leads us to believe that it is – in 95% of cases. We are led to believe that it’s a genetic disease and out of our control.  I now understand it is as a symptom of toxicity in the body and a suppressed immune system. It wasn’t an overnight discovery. According to world renowned cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton (and other pioneers in holistic healing), in only 5% of cases of all chronic disease (including cancer), they are a result of genes that are “fully penetrant” which means that we do not have the power to influence their expression (whether they are turned on or not – by the environment we keep in our bodies).  This means that in 95% of cases, we are in full control of whether or not illness (including cancer) develops in our body.

Essentially, cancer is a symptom – a communication from our body – to make massive change – in the vast majority of cases. Some forms of Leukaemia, I believe, are forms of cancer that are truly genetic  – that’s not to say that they cannot be reversed holistically. The body will heal anything with the correct approach. I know that’s a giant claim, but that’s now my belief, or rather, my understanding – having been in this space for 7 years.

I’m of the opinion that the cure does not lie in a quick fix or magic pill. The cure lies in rethinking what it actually is, and essentially redefining it, so people can take their power back (as corny as that sounds), take it up on themselves to get fully educated in it, so they can heal they own bodies and witness the symptom called cancer disappear.  Solid state tumours can take a decade to develop into something that is detectable. It’s the tip of the iceberg and years of toxicity and immune system suppression that has led to it. Modern treatment completely ignores the root cause and destroys the body and immune system in the treatments. It normally comes back with a vengeance as the stem cells are still lingering and the immune system has been annihilated by the treatment. Cancer cannot grow in clean body and it cannot develop with a healthy immune system.

I see cancer as the body’s final cry for change. Whenever I meet a practitioner who helps people to reverse cancer holistically – they do so across a number of different pathways. It’s never just one – or rarely one.

Toxicity can come from what we consume (so much of what is in grocery stores should not be called food), the environment, (asbestos / fumes / chemical plants / water / EMFs / toxic soil etc), how much we move (or don’t – as sedentary lives allows toxicity to build up), emotional toxicity (stored trauma, chronic negative emotions, stress, trapped emotions) and more. And anything that triggers inflammation in the body is causing the immune system to be suppressed. Chronic inflammation is at the root of most forms of cancer.

Understanding the human body as an electrical system (which it is), it is now known that cancer develops at +30mV – when the cells throughout the body function healthily between -20mV to -25mV.  To make the charge flip polarity to +30mV (not a good thing) requires all kinds of imbalances in the body – namely those mentioned above – and really, the main cause is a lack of oxygen getting into the cells.

In Radical Remission, Dr Kelly Turner presented the findings of 250 people who radically reversed very advanced stages of cancer and how they did it. There were 9 common themes;

    • Radically changing your diet
    • Taking control of your health
    • Following your intuition
    • Using herbs and supplements
    • Releasing suppressed emotions
    • Increasing positive emotions
    • Embracing social support
    • Deepening your spiritual connection
  • Having strong reasons for living

You mentioned that if you had the cure for cancer (maybe you didn’t say it in such words), you’d happily give it away. I understand why you’d want to do this and it is truly honourable of you. The reason I wasn’t fully aligning with this – or rather I was reacting (in full honesty) to your disagreement with people who charge for their services in helping people reverse cancer – is because I see the reversal of cancer as an involved process. It is not a quick fix. It’s a thorough cleanse and detoxification across many pathways and systems in the body, in order to allow the body to heal itself. When a practitioner is involved, this requires substantial time, encouragement, self-empowerment and belief. And therefore I think it’s absolutely fine to charge for their services, as do I.

The only cure for cancer in my opinion, is educating people on what it is, to help people shift their thinking – their consciousness – around it. It is my aim to create a non-profit or charity around cancer consciousness and involving the best of the best pioneers in healing. This means encouraging self-empowerment. This is a dream of mine. The human body is an immensely powerful self-healing machine. Healing is also an innate ability we all have. The challenge is that we have been conditioned on a monumental scale, to give away this power we have to heal ourselves. And sadly, we’re hading over this power to people who are not actually trained to heal. They are trained a certain way (history of which I mentioned yesterday and is here) – and this is all slowly but surely being brought to light.

It is my opinion that the medical industry and cancer industry needs to be disrupted. Too many people are suffering unnecessarily. It works some of the time (it has to, or it wouldn’t exist) – certainly in emergencies. We just need to know when it serves us and when it does not.

I hope this is well received. You’re a very intelligent man and I respect your advice and your opinion. Just like you’re creating something amazing and world-changing, and disrupting the transportation industry, I, too, am onto creating big changes in the world of medicine and healing – playing my part at least.  I don’t know if you’ve ever fully understood what I’m about or what I’m working on. I’m onto some pretty huge things. I’m playing my part in disrupting the medical industry. You know I’ve helped people reverse a plethora of chronic inflammatory health challenges and got people off medication. Maybe in time, it will be cancer that I help people with.

See you when I’m back.



PS. I tried to keep this short, believe it or not. If you’d like to see more stuff I’ve written on this, I include a link below in resource. My own article:
PPS: Resources

Heal Documentary (now on Netflix):
The Truth About Cancer (9-part documentary series with interviews with world class pioneers)
Under oxygenation of cells is often reported as the #1 reason for chronic disease. Dr Jerry Tennant reports that chronic disease exists when your body loses the ability to create new cells that work. They’re not being fuelled effectively and are not able to expel toxins. Healing Is Voltage:

The post Getting Real With Neil: Rethinking Cancer appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

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BS Media Alert! “Choosing alternative cancer treatment doubles your risk of death” Thu, 17 Aug 2017 21:35:25 +0000 A friend sent me this article a few days ago, and like most articles I see in the media, it scared the bejesus out of me as I thought people would actually listen to this garbage. Prior to writing The Vitality Secret and beyond, I have become weirdly obsessed with what cancer really is and I’m ...

The post BS Media Alert! “Choosing alternative cancer treatment doubles your risk of death” appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

A friend sent me this article a few days ago, and like most articles I see in the media, it scared the bejesus out of me as I thought people would actually listen to this garbage.

Prior to writing The Vitality Secret and beyond, I have become weirdly obsessed with what cancer really is and I’m about to write another book, redefining it, with the intention to empower people to take full control of their health, and ultimately inspire people to learn how to heal their bodies. I’ve also lost 3 friends to cancer who were dragged through the conventional, toxic methods of fighting cancer; chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and/or surgery. I’m getting fed up with it – to say the very least. A lot of what I’m about to reveal I have learned from The Truth About Cancer series – I cannot recommend more highly that you watch it, even if you don’t have cancer. You’ll never live in fear of it again and learn how to reverse it holistically. It’s phenomenal. My notes from Episode One are here. There are great books, too, like Tripping Over The Truth, and Cancer as A Metabolic Disease.

Before I continue, I have to say this: I am NOT a cancer expert, nor oncologist, nor a doctor and I cannot override any qualified medical professional’s advice. What I can do, is present you with information, from which you can decide whether or not to do your own research. It might resonate with you. It might not.

One of the greatest challenges we have today, is that we have become disempowered. We are not owning our health and we are handing over the power we have to heal our bodies, to others – who are not qualified to heal. We want someone else to fix our bodies and health problems. And we blame others when something doesn’t go to plan. When we take a step back, we can understand how this approach doesn’t work, nor serve us. I’m a huge believer that we must be our own personal best health advocate. Our bodies are designed to heal. They want to heal – ALL THE TIME. They actually want to be in a state of balance but we have been educated out of this mentality because of societal conditioning, big food corporations, the pharmaceutical industry and I’m afraid a very corrupt medical system. We just need to learn how to do heal our bodies, and truly remarkable things can happen. And for the most part, that does not mean drugs. In almost every common illness and chronic disease, not only are drugs ineffective, but they cause additional problems and toxicity in the body. (Type-1 diabetes might be an exception, when your pancreas no longer can produce insulin – but when this is created during life, it is a result of inflammation and autoimmunity when your immune system has turned on itself. Easily avoidable.)

My new definition of cancer: Cancer is a symptom of toxicity in the body and a suppressed immune system. That’s it. Back to that in a minute, but for now, check out this harmful article:


People who choose alternative medicine over conventional treatment for their cancer are more likely to die from the disease.

That’s what Skyler Johnson and his colleagues at Yale School of Medicine in Connecticut found when they looked at treatment and survival records from the US National Cancer Database.

The team identified 281 people with breast, prostate, lung and colorectal cancer who had opted for unproven treatments, shunning conventional approaches such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery.

Johnson doesn’t know what alternative treatments these people took, but has seen many of his own patients opt for a wide range of therapies. “They could be herbs, botanicals, homeopathy, special diets or energy crystals, which are basically just stones that people believe have healing powers,” he says. [THIS LINE ALONE SHOULD MAKE YOU REALISE THERE IS NO NEED TO READ ANY FURTHER BUT LET’S READ FURTHER FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES….]

More than twice as likely to die

The team then compared the health outcomes of these people with 560 others who were similar to them in terms of age, race and disease, but instead underwent conventional treatment.

They found that people who took alternative medicine were two and half times more likely to die within five years of diagnosis. This is a low estimate, says Johnson, skewed by the fact that prostate cancer, for example, takes longer than that to develop into a life-threatening disease. [I’M GLAD YOU KNOW PROSTATE CANCER TAKES LONGER TO DEVELOP – IT DEVELOPS THROUGH TOXICITY IN THE BODY AND A SUPPRESSED IMMUNE SYSTEM. THANK YOU FOR POINTING OUT IT DOESN’T JUST “STRIKE” UNLUCKY PEOPLE.]

Among those with breast cancer, people taking alternative remedies were 5.68 times more likely to die within five years. While 41 per cent of those receiving conventional treatment for lung cancer survived for at least five years, only 20 per cent of those who opted out of such treatment did.

And only 33 per cent of people using alternative medicine for colorectal cancer survived the next five years, compared to 79 per cent of those on conventional treatments.

Secondary treatment

The reason some people on alternative treatments survive is probably because many eventually seek out conventional treatment, often once their disease has progressed, says Johnson. Such secondary treatments were not recorded in the database.

John Bridgewater, an oncologist [UNTRAINED IN NUTRITION OR TO HEAL] at University College London Hospital [SOUNDS IMPRESSIVE DOESN’T IT], is not surprised by the findings. “Many patients will often go on special diets [WHICH SPECIAL DIETS?], rather than having conventional [HIGHLY TOXIC] treatment,” he says. “But we have no evidence that anyone benefits from these diets, apart from those that collect the fees.” [REALLY??? REALLY??? DID I FORGET TO MENTION, REALLY??? ARE YOU SLEEPING UNDER A ROCK?]

The people in the analysis who opted for alternative treatments generally tended to be wealthier and better educated. In the US, medical insurance doesn’t cover unproven treatments, so only richer people can afford the most expensive treatments, says Johnson. [OF COURSE IT DOESN’T – UNDERSTAND HOW INSURANCE COMPANIES AND THE INDUSTRY MAKE THEIR MONEY AND ALL BECOMES CLEAR.]

“Herbs and diets don’t sound expensive, but when these things are delivered through providers, they can come with a hefty bill,” he says. “It’s a multibillion dollar industry. People pay more out-of-pocket for alternative treatments than they do for standard treatments.” [THE CANCER INDUSTRY IS A $127bn A YEAR INDUSTRY.] 

Journal reference: Journal of the National Cancer InstituteDOI: 10.1093/jnci/djx145 [SPONSORED BY…] 


Firstly: Ask yourself, who paid for this article to be written? In The Truth About Cancer series, ghost writing is revealed and how pharmaceutical companies pay for such articles to be written. This was possibly one of the most offensive articles I’ve read, together with this one from The Guardian Newspaper in January in which an Oxford Researcher claimed “no diet can cure cancer.” Interesting, dickhead, here’s just one of interview – one of many examples of how a grain-free, plant-based diet reversed Steve’s prostate cancer: Here’s just one example of how the ketonegic diet reversed a brain tumour. The ketogenic diet works so well in many cases as it deprives the cancer of its no.1 fuel: glucose. Cancer can’t fuel off fat / ketones. Put your body into 24-7 fat burning mode and it no longer has fuel from which to grow. Not effective in every case, but results are unequivocal. Gerzon Therapy can annihilate cancer with micronutrient therapy and colon cleanses. Why? It requires flushing the body of toxins and loading up on micronutrients – vitamins and minerals from plant-based foods. There are tons of additional nutritional and non-nutritional methods to fight cancer in The Truth About Cancer.

In the vast majority of cases, cancer is symptom of toxicity in the body and a suppressed immune system. That’s it. Cancer cannot grown in a clean body. It cannot grown in a healthy immune system.

So referring back to this article above. Taking cancer is nothing more than a symptom of toxicity in the body, do you think it’s a good idea to put more toxicity in the body by way of chemotherapy and radiotherapy? These methods ONLY address THE SYMPTOM. They DO NOT address what caused it in the first place, and this is why in the majority of cases, the cancer will come back, and with a vengeance as your immune system has been annihilated by the “treatment.” Sometimes it can take a decade for a tumour to develop into something that is detectable. Does conventional treatment tell you this? No, they’ll remove it and the individual will normally go back to how he or she was living previous to that, and be shocked when it returns. Stronger than it was the first time. Check out this article to see about statistics of cancers that return after conventional treatment and for the love of God, get educated. This article explains some basic methods.

This line made me laugh and want to shoot the author at the same time:

“Herbs and diets don’t sound expensive, but when these things are delivered through providers, they can come with a hefty bill,” he says. “It’s a multibillion dollar industry. People pay more out-of-pocket for alternative treatments than they do for standard treatments.”

What absolute BS. Cancer is a $127bn a year industry using conventional treatments; chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. What makes more sense to you? Herbs being expensive or chemotherapy and radiotherapy? That’s not accounting for the cost of all the toxicity on your body. Also, fighting cancer with herbs alone is a bullshit comparison for natural methods. They’re nice, but missing just about everything else that creates and feeds cancer. Herbs alone aren’t going to get rid of toxicity or cancer in the body. Nor will homeopathy alone. Nor will energy crystals alone. It has to be a holistic approach – for example the removal of every “food” toxin, pathogen, fungi, heavy metal, trauma etc along with ramping up the immune system with a plethora of all sorts of goodness. And there’s every other non-dietary method to fight it.

In the minority of cases, some forms of cancer are genetic diseases – referring to the types of genes that cannot be turned on or off depending on the environment in the body. On this point, the understanding of the role of epigenetics is becoming more widely known – this is the ability we all have to turn on or of certain genes depending on the environment we have in our body. You can come from a whole family of cancer sufferers or diabetes, or cardiovascular disease and you can decide whether or not to follow suit, by the food choices you make, how much you move your body and work out, and how well you deal with emotions – namely stress and trauma. That last part is HUGE. None of us are taught how to deal with stress and how to release the harmful energetic effects of trauma on the body. We must learn how!

Toxicity can come from the food supply or “food” supply. Let’s be honest, most of what we find on our supermarket shelves and the likes of fast food “restaurants” is not fit for human consumption. Most things that have any kind of shelf life create inflammation in the body – your immune system’s reaction to what it perceives as an attack on it. Chronic inflammation is your body’s immune system under attack – consistently. Alongside that, you have immune system suppression. In almost every case of cancer, you have to have chronic inflammation and you must have a suppressed immune system.

Here’s a fact: you cannot have inflammation and a healthy immune system – the two do not go hand in hand. To have a healthy immune system, we need to have little to no inflammation. We need to be consuming and ABSORBING all of the essential micronutrients and macronutrients. How do you know if you’re absorbing them? By getting tested. How healthy is your gut? Have you had a microbiome test? Have you tested to see whether you’re intolerant to gluten and dairy? Unless you’re a baby cow, you’re probably intolerant to cow’s milk. You are almost certainly intolerant to gluten, particularly if you live in the US as it’s been messed with in a big way through hybridisation. Have you taken an inflammation test? (Quote The Vitality Secret if you are in the US for a small discount.)

How can you tell if you have inflammation other than a blood test? It can reveal itself by any skin condition (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis or acne), asthma, IBS, arthritis and more. If you have no symptoms of inflammation, you can test for it. And you’ll need to request these tests – a full inflammation blood panel for example, starting with C-Reactive protein. It’s worth getting testing for everything, every 6 months – and none of us are doing this. We need to specifically request these tests. If you’re in the US, I highly recommend this company – not only will you save, but you will be educated about what the tests mean: Here’s one source if you’re in the US:

Toxicity can come from the environment as well, from heavy metal poisoning, from being inactive (the no.1 reason for chronic disease is under oxygenation of cells – lack of oxygen in our body from sedentary lives), it can from from viruses, pathogens, fungi, yeast overgrowth, and even cuts and injuries that cause immune system suppression. Toxicity can also come from stress and trauma. If you’ve had trauma in the past that you’ve not dealt with, of if you’re stressed and angry all the time, it doesn’t matter how many greens you eat. The trauma is strong enough to manifest disease.

In the majority of cancers, they are a metabolic disease. Check out this interview for more information. In its simplest form, metabolism means energy production. We take in food and through a number of mechanisms, that food is turned into physical and mental energy. If we’re consistently eating garbage (from about 80% of supermarket shelves – I just made that statistic up, but you get the idea), our body is not producing energy in an effective way. It’s dealing with toxins all the time and the liver an kidneys get over worked and all hell breaks loose in the body. That’s putting it extremely simply.

I just want to close with this: Only one person can heal your body, and that’s you. We all must become our own personal health advocate. I’m not claiming to be a healer, but I have supported people in healing their bodies of all sorts of inflammatory conditions, including pre-diabetes, type-2 diabetes, arthritis, skin conditions, obesity, high blood pressure, unfavourable cholesterol levels and more. I have not healed them. They have healed themselves – with my support, guiding them along the way. If this is of interest to you, check out this link and we can jump on a call. I have never taken on a cancer patient, and probably won’t, but I can help you reverse inflammatory conditions.


This is what Dr Burzinski said to me at The Truth About Cancer Live Symposium in Texas last October:

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The Truth About Cancer – My Notes From Episode 6 Mon, 18 Apr 2016 22:23:50 +0000 Here are my notes from Episode 6 of The Truth About Cancer series. There is way more than I have here. I really urge you to watch it! What if there was a precise set of events that needs to take place lead to cancer? What if you can completely manage your body so you ...

The post The Truth About Cancer – My Notes From Episode 6 appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

Here are my notes from Episode 6 of The Truth About Cancer series. There is way more than I have here. I really urge you to watch it! What if there was a precise set of events that needs to take place lead to cancer? What if you can completely manage your body so you avoid it? If you’re unfortunate enough to get it, there are a plethora of natural ways to treat it. There is no need, anymore, to use chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Check out my notes from Episode 6:


– There exists a matrix between cells that must be kept clean. Detoxification is paramount. We don’t have to take drugs to have them in our system, they are in our water.

  • We live in a toxic world. It’s hard to get away from toxins, so all we can do is to take measures to clean our body by way of detoxification.
  • No disease can exist within a clean body
  • 1, 2, 3 + garbage shoot: colon, (herbal supplements, coffee enemas, humic acid for digestive tract), urinary tract (parsley, asparagus, marshmallow root) and then liver
  • 90% of prescription drugs cause constipation – disease starts in the gut.
  • People with a belly are literally carrying around an inflamed gut.
  • 60% of the immune system surrounds the gut
  • First part of being a doctor is to do no harm


  • Great ways to detox: Coffee enemas, turmeric, milk thistle, Beets, ginger, Berdock – all clean the liver. Extracts clean it fast.

Oils – such as olive oil push congestion out of the liver.

  • One of the most effective ways to boost self-cleaning mechanism is intestinal, liver and gal bladder cleansing – super effective at reversing cancer.

Juice Lady

  • Lemon and lime – in high quality water.
  • Table spoon of olive oil, garlic clove and one chunk of ginger
  • Green juice drink – great for cleansing
  • Red juice drink – especially good for liver
  • Gentle cleanse is includes salads and soups and stir fries
  • Carrot Salad and beet salad – cup of pulp added to lemon juice and dressing, cinnamon.
  • Anyone with Chemo and radiation – super important to have liver cleansing.
  • Cleansing can make you feel bad during the process.

Step 1 – colon, kidneys, then liver

Got to drain the lymph nodes. Clean colon, clean.

Lymphatic system

  • Lymphatic system – drainage system. Lymph nodes are essential in the drainage of the immune system. This gets rid of dead cancer cells and other waster. Any restriction puts you at risk. Underwire bras restrict the lymphatic system. The long you wear them, the more harmful that is. The longer you wear the bra, the higher your risk of restricting the lymphatic system.
  • Anti-perspirant deodorant can harm the lymph system

5 Parasite Cleanse – Black walnut hole, clover, wormwood, Camala.

  • Chemical and heavy metal cleansing

5 step Detox, Dr Buttar:

  • Systemic detoxification. If not, too many things in the way.
  • Physiological optimisation – being phsyically active and fit
  • Immune modulation
  • Target acquisition – non-toxic vaccines. RSODA
  • Maintenance

You cannot have cancer if you have a fully functional immune system. If you have cancer, your immune system has been damaged. That’s it. Cancer cannot develop in a healthy immune system. It’s been called a disease of the immune system.

Sayer Ji

  • Placebo effect is so powerful. If you tell someone you’re self-healing, and you believe it, they can heal cancer. The power of the mind is incredible.
  • Nocebo effect – if cancer patients were told they had cancer, within one wee 26.9% increase of risk of death. They believe an authority so much, that if their physician tells you you’re going to die, you can actually die in the belief of the diagnosis – that someone else knows your fait better than yourself.
  • Nocebo effect – if you believe a negative vibe from your doctor, it feeds into your physiology. Physicians have an ethical and moral obligation to know about the nocebo effect. They should be instilling this belief in their patients. They are responsible for what they know and shouldn’t be diagnosing people on ancient methods for treating cancer
  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy is ‘absurd’
  • If they don’t know about these things, they should not be practicing medicine.
  • It’s no longer just a bunch of people – It’s in the New England Journal Of Medicine.

Mushrooms – richi and Cordyceps. Ups immunity and ups available oxygen in the body. Cancer thrives in an non-oxygen based environment. An anaerobic environment. These improve oxygen flow.

Oxidative stress – when metal rusts, similar thing inside your body. There’s a war between rusting or protecting them. Every single cell has a signalling mechanism (Keep-1 pathway).

  • Resveratrol – blueberries, grape skins, red wines
  • Cruciferous vegetables.
  • Curcumin in turmeric.
  • Catechins in green tea an ddark chocolate.
  • Medicinal mushrooms – fantastic for managing inflammation, and blood sugar, and insulin. Cordyceps, rishi, shitake
  • Cabbage family and broccoli, and all with sulphur – very powerful, interrupt development and metastasis of cancer cells

If you’re having chemotherapy, it destroys the GI tract. How do you keep the immune system? Repairing gut bacteria is essential as it’s destroyed by chemo.

Chemotherapy damages the brain. It destroys the brain. Use every method you can to protect if you do choose this toxic root.

Watch The Truth About Cancer here.

The post The Truth About Cancer – My Notes From Episode 6 appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

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The Truth About Cancer – My Notes From Episode 2 Thu, 14 Apr 2016 08:00:50 +0000 Have you seen Episode One of The Truth About Cancer that was screened on 12th April? See my notes here to discover why doctors are not trained in nutrition and why the medical industry is shaped the way it is. In my honest opinion, every single person on the planet must watch this series – and it’s ...

The post The Truth About Cancer – My Notes From Episode 2 appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

Have you seen Episode One of The Truth About Cancer that was screened on 12th April? See my notes here to discover why doctors are not trained in nutrition and why the medical industry is shaped the way it is. In my honest opinion, every single person on the planet must watch this series – and it’s free. Episode 3 is screened today. You can still catch up though by signing up here! It’s a real eye opener into the causes of cancer and conventional methods for treatment of it, which actually cause further damage and suppress the immune system. Natural remedies are examined in great detail as is prevention of course. You’ll also discover how the medical system is a monopolised industry controlled by money and by the pharmaceutical industry. I understand this sounds controversial. What cannot be denied is the history of what has led to the modern day medical “enterprise” system where most doctors are taught how to prescribe medication and are taught very little in nutrition. This is through no fault of their own of course, and no blame at all is put on any doctors or physicians.

I have first hand experience talking with newly trained doctors in the UK and also in the US and they have openly talked about how little nutrition training they had. Here in the US, a newly qualified doctor friend has decided to no longer pursue a career as a physician as she did not like what she discovered about the profession.

Here are my notes from Episode 2 Of The Truth About Cancer:

Here are my notes from Episode 2: 

  1. Insulin resistance causes cancer
  2. Single most effective method to become insulin sensitive (what we all must be) is intermittent fasting
  3. We must be active, moving regularly throughout the day
  4. 25% of Cancer is linked to Obesity
  5. 18% of Cancer is down to infections that compromise the immune system
  6. BRCA gene linked with Breast Cancer is only woken up when something compromises the immune system
    1. Epigenetics are your body’s software, genes are your hardware. For the hardware to go wrong, software has to go wrong.
    2. Angelina Jolie need never have had a double mastectomy, this was fear-induced and misinformation
  7. Through decent diet and healthy lifestyle cancer cells won’t thrive. We all have cancer cells in us, it’s when they start to grow that they become a problem
  8. BRCA  is a tumour-suppressive gene– it protects against breast cancer – yet we’re led to believe it’s a breast cancer gene which causes breast cancer
  9. We can keep our immune system healthy with the right food, good quality sleep, stress management, movement
  10. Breast Cancer Awareness Week is now more of an enterprise system, rather than how it started out – top brands sponsor it. Over here Kentucky Fried Chicken has done a JV with them – and their food is one of the top culprits for Cancer – trans fats, hydrogenated oils, poor quality chicken
    1. “Pink movement” has caused a huge amount of fear
  11. Lymph nodes neutralise poison – they’re essential to keep in the body
  12. Pressure on breasts “pancake smashing machine” causes breast cancer
  13. Over-diagnises of breast cancer is a big problem
  14. Breast cancer drugs like Tamoxifen causes cancer (an anti-estrogen drug) – so stop the oestrogen imbalance by avoiding zenoestrogens (environmental oestrogen’s)
  15. “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, then you’re going to continue to get the same results” – very powerful. Einstein said this in a different way.
  16. Cancer isn’t the actual killer, it’s the tip of the iceberg
  17. The Seven Essentials (to beat cancer):
    1. Let thy Food Be Thy Medicine
    2. Detox – we live in a toxic world, so we must detox regularly 
    3. Balance energy (chiropractic, exercise, sleep, balance hormones, yoga)
    4. Heal emotional wounds. Forgive yourself and others. Let go of the past. Manage stress. “Grow a life or grow a tumour”
    5. Biologic dentistry – teeth are connected to organs and their health via meridians 
    6. Daily intake of specific herbs, vitamins to remove toxic load
    7. Time Prevention – request regular check ups using non invasive methods, like thermography, blood texts, enzymes. Monitor health (request blood tests as your doctor won’t do them), no reason to fear cancer
  18. Thermography is skin deep detection for cancer. No radiation, no pancake squasher
  19. Let Thy Food By Thy Medicine
    1. Avoid sugar
    2. Sugar fuels cancer
    3. 1st cells that are fed are cancer cells
    4. Sugar is a poison for all of us
    5. Every now and again is ok, but rarely should we intake sugar
  20. Chemo kills everything including surrounding healthy cells
    1. It’s like Napalm bombing an ant’s nest
  21. Key is to rebuild immune system, not attack it with chemo or radio therapy
  22. Xenoestrogens (environmental oestrogens) are a major cause of Breast, colon, lung and pancreatic cancer. [I wrote about xenoestrogens in Mojo Multiplier 4 years ago – these are environmental oestrogens which we are taking in from the likes of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, preservatives, chemicals, plastics. This is why organic is so essential]
  23. Essential oils have been proven unequivocally to heal cancer. [Right now, the FDA is trying to get Essential Oil FDA approved!!! I wonder why…]
  24. There are tons of natural, healing compounds in essential oils including the likes of frankincense and myrrh. Top 2 essential oils.
    1. Bible was referenced here when the 3 Wise Men brought these 2 essential oils.
    2. They balance hormones and have healing properties
      1. Natural, organic protective compounds
    3. Lemon essential oils proven to alleviate diabetics, nausea
    4. Skin is the largest organ in the body – when we use essential oils, it’s quickly absorbed into the body. Similarly, most of the stuff we find in drug stores and supermarkets is highly toxic and we’re dousing ourselves with it
  25. Turmeric – King Of Spices – amazing anti-inflammatory
  26. Frankincense, myrrh and Turmeric are incredibly powerful.
    1. Fight inflammation, fuel the hypothalamus (part of brain responsible for production of vital hormones) and liver
    2. Frankincense prevents neuro inflammation
    3. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
    4. 3 Wise Men bible reference to its healing properties. “liquid gold”.
      1. Real Medicine
    5. Very effective against ovarian, breast and colon cancer and shrinking tumours
  27. Case  study of girl of 13 who healed a brain tumour using these essential oils. She decided to refuse radiation and her and her mother decided it wasn’t the process for them – a gut feeling
    1. She applied Frankincense every 2 hours, put it on tongue and roof of her mouth
    2. In 4 months, tumour size had halved, in 9 months completely disappeared. Conventional Doctors just couldn’t figure it out
  28. Mother who had cancer in her 50s had conventional treatment which made her very ill for years. She got it again 10 years later and her son, a nutritionist, but her on all natural solutions so as he knew it could be healed naturally. In her 60s now, this woman is fighting fit and stronger than she was in her 40s as she completely changed her diet since and is now teaching others how to do the same.
  29. Eggplant, green pepper and Devil’s Apple all contain BEC5 compound that break down skin cancer and other forms of cancer
    1. In Australia, 70,000 people were cured of Cancer, and then the Therapeutic Goods Administration (equivalent of FDA in US) enforced the use, made doctors put it on prescription
  30. Indole-3 carbinol, in the cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower etc – excellent at breaking down harmful, foreign, xenoestrogens which cause cancer [I wrote about these in my book 4 years ago too!!)
  31. Myrrh detoxifies the liver and boosts anti oxidants
    1. You can create oils for the whole body using these and others like shea butter
    2. Put around neck and back of head
    3. Absorb through skin as skin is largest organ
  32. Lavender and candle wood excellent at fighting cancer
  33. Most common creams and lotions are loaded with toxins – many of which have been directly linked with various forms of cancer
  34. Conventional Treatment: One size fits all; chemotherapy and radiotherapy – annihilate healthy cells as well as harmful cancer stem cells.
  35. Integrative Treatment: Every person is different, every case is different, different solutions for different cases


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My Advice To My Friend Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer Tue, 09 Feb 2016 20:23:28 +0000 Last week, my friend who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer came over to see me. He’s 53 and what he told me broke my heart. He has multiple tumours. He was diagnosed too late and his insurance has just decided to cancel his insurance. Still, I’m hopeful he will cure it without drastic surgery ...

The post My Advice To My Friend Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

Last week, my friend who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer came over to see me. He’s 53 and what he told me broke my heart. He has multiple tumours. He was diagnosed too late and his insurance has just decided to cancel his insurance. Still, I’m hopeful he will cure it without drastic surgery which would leave him incontinent. It’s been a nerve racking time for him to say the least, as I’m sure you can imagine.  What saddens me is the amount of poor advice he’s been offered. It’s taken him on quite a journey to meet the leading experts. A few months ago I wrote him an email which I shared on this blog and I suggested that he sought multiple opinions and to not let money stand in the way. He has sold his house to cover this. Did you know the number one reason for bankruptcy in the US is medical bills?

I wanted to share with you what I recommended to him, much of which I got from The Truth About Cancer series that was screened in October. Naturally I can’t override any trained professional or physician or oncologist. I truly believe it’s worth doing all of this, whilst thoroughly researching your options and following your doctor’s advice. 

1) Avoid high GI carbohydrates that trigger a sharp blood sugar response: Potatoes, rice, bread, pasta, all grains. Insulin feeds cancer cells and cancer cells have 15 times the number of insulin receptors as normal cells. Sugar and high GI carbs trigger a sharp blood sugar spike and insulin response. This means sugar is cancer’s no.1 fuel. Avoid sugar and high GI carbs. Rice has a GI of 70. AVOID IT!!! Stop those breakfast cereals too – they’re high GI and full of flavourings and preservatives and sugar which trigger inflammation

2) Avoid: Cow’s milk. It’s inflammatory, probably because it’s designed for baby cows to grow fast.

3) Grain-free alternatives: A much better source of carb is sweet potato / yams and quinoa. Preferably, just have veggies and be in nutritional ketosis when your body burns ketones from fat for energy, not glucose from carbs.   

Breakfast alternative to cereals: 2-3 Whole organic eggs cooked in coconut oil, loaded with veggies: spinach, peppers, onions. Side of avocado, green salad with olive oil.

Quinoa bowl with almond / coconut milk – need to check the recipe. Don’t drink cow’s milk. It’s designed for cows.

4) Lunch suggestion: Vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables. Did I forget to mention, vegetables? Maybe fatty fish with it like mackerel / tuna / sardines. Wild / organic. Vegans live the longest for a reason – tons of micronutrients. Drink shots of wheatgrass.

5) Eat fats: avocados, olive, olive oil, nuts, seeds, fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel etc), EGGS, coconut oil, coconut meat. These are satiating (make you feel full) and are fuel for your cells, and anti-inflammatory. 

6) Anti-Inflammatory spices & supplements: Turmeric, garlic, black pepper, omega-3 fish oil supplements

7) Drink green vegetable juices and / or vegetable smoothies every day: Spinach, kale,parsley, cucumber, celery, ginger, lemon – Nektar (SM) for example. Buy a juicer. This is one method the Gerson Institute uses to treat patients along with colon therapy. Don’t juice fruits – sugar content is far too high. Eat fruits whole and keep to a few pieces a day max. Preferably have with nuts to suppress insulin response. Grapefruits are super healthy with a low GI of 25. 

8) Intermittent fasting: Fast for 16 hours a day and starve the cancer cells of insulin completely. Finish eating at, say 8pm, then don’t eat again until 12pm the next day. Eat only in an 8 hour window and stick to low carb, high fat food. 

9) Avoid anything packaged. Treats:

10) Stick to everything that is real: vegetables, fruit (whole only), ‘eat the rainbow’, not too much fruit though because of sugar content. Meat and fish. Ideally, go vegetarian and avoid grains as they’re inflammatory and high GI. Remember to have green veggies with meat or fish to alkalise the body – meat on its own or with carbs creates an acidic environment in the body.  

11) Sign Up To And Watch the rest of The Truth About Cancer series!! And read The Vitality Secret, it’s a great book 🙂

12) Essential oils: Frankincense and myrrh – rub it around the area. Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh – gold is Turmeric, King of Spices.  

13) Do yoga to destress. Meditate. Playful acronym for fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Keep stress to a minimum. Reframe “stressful” events to new meanings that are empowering and not self-deprecating. The only meaning events have are the meanings we give to them, and they’re based on stories from the past. Stress is a code word for fear. Anxiety is derived from fear. Short bouts of stress are great and put us into fight or flight / survival mode. Short bouts of stress make you act like a superhuman. Chronic is dangerous as it stimulates consistent elevated levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. This triggers inflammation and creates an acidic environment in your body, a breeding ground for cancer and literally eats away at muscle tissue. You want a slightly alkaline environment as much as you can – another reason to drink green drinks and wheatgrass shots and lots of greens. Lots. 

14) Buy Earthing Pillow cases: and connect to the Earth’s healing energy.

15) Get lots of sleep and continue alcohol-free and sugar-free. 

16) Starve cancer cells. Feed the Immune system. 

16) Recommended viewing: Sick, Fat & Nearly Dead. Joe Cross (the presenter) did a 60 day vegetable juice cleanse and cured 6 chronic illnesses. He supplemented with fats. He came off a cocktail of medications and people all over the world are following suit to cure their illnesses without meds. 

Rob Brydon, healing a cancer tumour in 3 minutes with energy healing:

Check it out, it can’t hurt:

Dr Sha curing breast cancer:

Gerson Therapy (micronutrient therapy and colon cleansing):

All you need to know to reverse type-2 diabetes:

Inflammation blood tests – C–Reactive Protein, TNF-Alpha, Plasma Viscosity. Might be worth having a test. 

UPDATED: Join me for a webinar on 25 February 2016 at 6pm Pacific when I explain more about inflammation and how I cured my eczema by reversing it. 3 Components to reversing it: 1) Nutrition, 2) Physical Activity, 3) A Psychology Shift – the most challenging and fascinating part! CLICK HERE Reverse Inflammation and you can avoid chronic disease and cure many common illnesses. 

Side note: As I was talking with him, I was actually rethinking the subtitle of my new book, The Vitality Secret, which I launched last week. I decided the previous one was too soft and I was understating its aim. I’m onto something big here so people don’t have to go through what my friend is going through. I wanted it to say exactly what it sets out to do – and that is to defy disease, combat common illnesses and to stay young. It is about chronic inflammation which leads to most, if not all chronic diseases. By the way, if you’re inflamed, your testosterone levels will certainly be suffering.

The post My Advice To My Friend Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer appeared first on Mojo Multiplier: Build Muscle, Burn Fat And Increase Energy.

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