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Hormones, Nutrition

How Not To Die – What Gets Measured Gets Managed

Wouldn’t it be crazy if we could measure our health to determine our level of health, and whether or not we’re building the foundations for disease, yet none of us are testing for it? Well, this crazy is real. It’s crazy because it can be as simple as getting regular blood tests for certain biomarkers which will tell us whether what we’re currently doing is working, or whether it isn’t. Sadly, we are not encouraged to do this. Our doctors are not trained to do this and our doctors do not encourage us to do this. Sometimes if we request them, our doctor will not approve. Sometimes we might even have to pay for these tests – ourselves. SHOCK!! I’m saying that last part in jest as we have become so used to not having to invest in our own health, that when we have to pay to put something right, or to simply get a “service” all hell breaks loose! Do you spend more money to service your car than you do your own body? Here’s how not to die. What gets measured gets managed!

I come from England and the idea for us to pay for anything health related is an absurdity. We’re so used to everything being free. Free is great until we realise it doesn’t work and we’re “struck down” with a chronic disease that in so many cases could have actually been avoided had we been more mindful and conscious about our health.  The challenge comes from the fact that this is society. This is the culture in which we live. In the US you’re told to “ask your doctor for this drug” – banned in Europe. You see it on billboards too – also banned in Europe. Whether you’re in the US or England, something we never see is the importance of getting regular blood tests. Besides STDs of course.

As part of my one on one coaching, and also my award winning inflammation solution program, I encourage people to get a number of blood tests and to discuss what they mean with their doctors. I then encourage them to get tested again after 6-8 weeks. Sometimes 12 weeks is a better time to wait. Why do I do this? I’m encouraging people to take their health into their own hands. It’s the only way to be fully health conscious. We can’t just leave our health up to fate when we can absolutely measure what’s going on with it. Here’s a video in which I interview Amy Beth of about the labs they recommend and educate people on. I was so impressed that I requested to interview her.

Go here for blood work if you’re in the US and take full control of your health. Select The Vitality Secret for a discount:

How Not To Die – What Gets Measured Gets Managed

Go here for blood work if you’re in the US and take full control of your health. Select The Vitality Secret for a discount:

And then take part in my inflammation solution program and reverse the root of almost every common illness and chronic disease:

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