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Acid & Alkaline, Hormones, Nutrition

Mojo Cleanse: Detox & Alkalise

The topic of the day today for my coaching clients was Mojo Cleanse: Detox & Alkalise. I thought I’d share with you why a clean liver is essential in regulating hormones and increasing testosterone and also how alkalising your body is essential in hormonal balance, and thus, optimising testosterone.

Firstly, what role does the liver play in testosterone production? One of the liver’s prime functions is to metabolise fat. If your liver is working on overdrive trying to filter out harmful chemicals and toxins as a results of a poor diet of fast foods, refined carbs, sugar, coke and alcohol, then it’ll seriously struggle with its ability to function. The liver is also responsible for removing excess oestrogen so its health is directly related to balancing hormones.

A secondary component is related to the storage of fat. If your liver is storing fat as a result of high intake of carbs and sugars (and of course nasty ingredients found in most snacks and processed foods), then the increase in fat storage will lead to an increase of oestrogen. Belly fat contains the enzyme aromatase which converts testosterone into two forms of oestrogen, which promotes fat storage, thus a downward spiral ensues.


What’s this alkaline chat about?  Here’s a clip from Dr Sara Gottfried:

Now, let’s talk about why your pH level matters. A growing body of research suggests that having lower, or acidic, pH levels is associated with greater risk for conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Higher, or alkaline, pH levels, accordingly are linked to improvements in memory and cognition, reduced pain and lower risk of hypertension and stroke.

Another area that has been researched quite extensively is how pH levels affect bone health. Many studies have shown that low-acid diets can help improve bone density. One particular study published in The Journal of Nutrition also found that alkaline mineral waters can decrease bone resorption and even lower parathyroid hormone levels, which regulate the release of calcium from bone.

An alkaline diet, one that incorporates foods that can increase your pH levels, is also associated with an increase in growth hormone, which I call The Fountain of Youth” hormone – it helps you shed excess fat, improve your libido and retain a general sense of well-being. Who doesn’t want that? Read more on her website here

How do we cleanse and alkalise? You can start with lemon and water – the combination is a superb liver cleanse and lemon, whilst acidic itself, actually has an alkalising effect on the body. Simply put, everything green; fruits and vegetables and plenty of greens neutralise toxic acids in the body and help to alkalise.

Check out what Dr Oz says about acid and alkaline:

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