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Documentaries, Hormones, Nutrition

Your Body Or Your Car: What’s More Important?

Do you ever stop to think about the amount of money you invest each year into your health? Do you spend more money on your car, than you do your own body? When you buy a car, you are advised to have it serviced regularly to make sure it’s safe and roadworthy and to keep it running smoothly.

One of my missions in my line of work, is to empower people to take full responsibility for their health. And to accompany their doctor in keeping their health way above average, for ultimate vitality. I really believe it’s up to us to measure our health. What gets measured gets managed.  (Who wants only health when you can have vitality, with an abundance of energy and optimised hormones so you’re firing on all cylinders?)

Sadly we live in an illness and disease maintenance culture – and mainly with drugs – not one of prevention and health & vitality maintenance. We are prescribed drugs to alleviate pain or to mask a symptom of an underlying health condition – which is often inflammation. We forget that pain is a message from our body telling us that something we are doing is not working. It’s an action signal – and not one to suppress it with a medication.

We have been conditioned on a societal level to not accept responsibility for our health, and to give that power away to others, namely, doctors. Doctors are not educated in nutrition or disease prevention. They play an incredibly important role, particularly in emergency situations. We all know that when we go to the doctors, we have this embedded expectation to be prescribed some kind of drug to alleviate some kind of pain or to hide the symptoms of an illness. There is a very clear reason why doctors are not educated in nutrition. If you’d like to learn more about that, check out this post. When you look into the history of why doctors are not trained in nutrition, it’ll blow your mind.

Why don’t we pay attention to our own body, like we do our cars? Did you know that at any point in time, without a prescription, you can walk into any blood testing facility and order whichever blood tests you want? It’ll require a small investment. Granted, you may now have a clue what they mean, but that is where your doctor comes into play. He or she can tell you that you’re deficient in x, z and z or if something is showing up in a ‘risky’ range – and then you come to someone like me to see how you can balance them. Or you can research it yourself of course. You may be pre-diabetic and have no idea. You may be heading towards being insulin resistant and have no idea – unless you have these blood tests. Insulin resistance triggers inflammation and type-2 diabetes.

You can also request from your doctor, at any point in time, blood tests. More often than not, they’ll say no unless there’s something evidently wrong – on the surface. They won’t test for what is brewing underneath the surface which might eventually lead to something very serious like cancer or a heart attack or stroke.

For example, when you get a micronutrient panel, this will indicate which vitamins and minerals you are deficient in. Put it this way, if you live a conventionally “healthy” diet, you will be deprived of a number of nutrients and your immune system will be suppressed. If you’re feeding on wheat products each day thinking they’re “healthy whole grains,” most likely they will be feeding inflammation in your body AND will prevent the absorption of vitamins and minerals too, due to the lectins and phytates and gluten (all of which are “anti-nutrients” that harm the gut lining).

Did you know that there is an inflammation test you can request right now that will present to you why you may be experiencing skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, or acne, asthma or IBS? I suffered from bad eczema my whole life until about a year ago, when I found out it’s an inflammatory disease. That list is not exhaustive. If you are carrying around excess belly fat, there is a very strong chance that you will be inflamed and heading towards chronic inflammation, and that leads to just about every disease you can imagine.

There is pretty much a standard sequence of events that leads to many chronic diseases. Diseases like cancer or type-2 diabetes need not be surprise, in my opinion. The Truth About Cancer series was phenomenal in explaining this over 9 episodes. They are both diseases that start with chronic inflammation. Did you know it takes about 10 years for a breast cancer tumour to show up on a scan, so it will be building up for that long undetected? Did you know that cancer cannot grow in a healthy immune system, yet most of us will never know how our immune system is performing as we never get those blood tests? Also, our conventionally healthy diet, really isn’t that healthy at all. Many will be thinking they’re eating “healthily” and every day will be starving themselves of the vital, absolutely critical, micronutrients our cells and immune system require to thrive. If you’re still following the low fat craze, you’ll be deficient in essential fats that are critical for hormonal regulation and cell and immune health. How much of your daily diet is micronutrients? 25%? 51%? 75% If you’re eating only 25% of of your diet, there’s a very high chance you are undernourished. We need to be making at least 51% of our diet be in the form of raw, plant-based, organic food.  I like to aim for around 70% of my diet to be from plant-based foods. Are you eating a range of vegetables of different colours and “eating the rainbow?”

I’ve had the great privilege of spending some time with someone I call a pioneer in human health and human performance. I’ve soaked up his knowledge like a sponge. He explained to me a few reasons why the current medical system does not work; firstly, doctors have only a very small window of time in which to see you, so never do the necessary tests to find out the root cause of a health condition. They’re also not trained in nutrition (for the most part, maybe an hour or two during a 6 year study) and also doctors and professionals tend to not be working in harmony with one another to create synergy and end up giving a different diagnosis for any one person’s condition. This leaves the patient confused and frustrated and often with no option than to simply follow a conventional approach to treatment – namely, drugs. He will thoroughly test each of this clients across the board – from micronutrients, to macronutrients, hormones, amino acids, microbiome (to determine gut health) and more. Did you know that 70% of your immune system is in the gut? If that’s not in tip top shape, your health will be in jeopardy. You can find out whether your stool is showing anti-bodies – so you will know, whether some of the foods you are eating, are triggering inflammation – the root of all diseases.

The purpose of this post is to give you a little insight into why our medical system is not serving us and to encourage you to really start to think about what you can do, right now, to take control of your health. Diseases need not be a surprise. You can find out, right now, across a number of different tests, how your body is currently performing. There is one main inflammation test I’d encourage you to take called C-Reactive Protein – and really, I’d encourage you to have a full inflammation blood test. There are more tests and they’ll begin to paint a picture of you whether what you are currently doing is working or whether it is not. Ask your doctor to explain what they mean. Then you can come to me and see how I can coach you to a state of optimum health. This is what I do and my clients will verify this.  Arrange a FREE 20 minute call with me here.

Also, If you’re keen to learn more about inflammation and how it impacts your health and how to reverse it, you can download the first few chapters of my book, The Vitality Secret, here, right now. I look forward to your feedback and any questions you may have.

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