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Man Boobs, Oestrogen, Protect Your Swimmers

Beer And Man Boobs!

If you’re a guy, and you love beer (who doesn’t?) may not like this post so much, but it’s good to know this. Sadly, as delicious and enjoyable beer is, it really harms your mojo if you drink too much of it, particularly if you are prone to storing fat. And you’ll be happy to hear that there are smarter alcohol choices to be made! A friend of mine actually sent me this article and I thought I’d feature it. I talk about the effects of lager and beer on men in Mojo Multiplier.  Not only is beer and lager full of calories (between 150 and 250 calories a pint) but the hops, from which they are made, contain phytoestrogens. These are plant-derived oestrogens, as found in soy. That means, they behave like oestrogen in your body and can cause you to grow man boobs and lower testosterone, sperm counts, and libido etc. Hopefully you’ll know that soy is a toxic food for we men, and indeed women for that matter. Any intake of external oestrogen is not good for anyone – unless it’s needed, as the author explains below. Men produce small amounts of oestrogen – it’s an essential hormone in sperm production in fact – but we don’t need anymore from our diet. As you probably know, oestrogen is a fat-storing hormone, so the more you have circulating in your body, the more prone you are to store fat. And belly fat converts testosterone into two forms of oestrogen – a downward spiral you may agree. This is why, if you do have belly fat, it’s really important to burn it off. It’s not as hard as you may anticipate for it to be, once you know how the fat storing hormone, insulin, works. Simply put, a high fat, low carb diet works so well (with tons of non-starchy veggies), as fat does not trigger insulin, whereas carbs do. Fats leaves you feeling satiated too and they’re essential for your brain and every cell in your body.

Back to beer.  It contains phytoestrogens and these aren’t good for men, certainly in large quantities. I still allow myself a very occasional beer, but typically, stick to red wine. Red wine has proven health benefits too – with the antioxidants it contains

Not many people know this, but those hops in your favourite IPA are actually wonderful medicine for insomnia and menopause, thanks to their high phytoestrogen content. These same phytoestrogens, however, might be less desirable for men, as indicated by the common condition known among brewers as Brewer’s Droop.

Yes, you read that right: Hops are giving men man boobs.

In the book Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers, herbalist Stephen Herrod Buhner describes the three standard uses of hops in herbal medicine: as a sleep inducer; as a diuretic that successfully promotes urine flow; and finally, as a natural source of phytoestrogen to treat menopause and endometriosis. The herbalist Susan Weed also refers to hops as a nutritive painkiller, a sleep-inducing herb, and as an effective supplement to boost milk production in lactating women.

Read more on the original article here

And here are 5 reasons to drink red wine:

5 Buzz-Worthy Benefits Of Red Wine:

  1. Memory Protection Against Alzheimer’s Disease: The powerful antioxidant resveratrol protects against cell damage and prevents age-related mental decline.
  2. Mimics Gym Time: Resveratrol is also responsible for heart-healthy benefits, including improved physical performance and muscle strength. It also mimics cardiovascular enhancements similar to exercise. But the benefits are limited, so don’t always trade in your cardio for cabernet.
  3. Cancer Treatment: Researchers aren’t exactly sure how, but another active antioxidant in red wine known as quercetin works against cancer cells, according to the American Cancer Society. It helps to induce natural cell death in certain types of cancers, most often colon cancer.
  4. Promotes Long Life: Red wine drinkers have a 34 percent lower mortality rate than beer or vodka drinkers, according to a 29-year-long study. Resveratrol is the polyphenol that could be responsible for its longevity benefits. But researchers think any diet rich in polyphenols, which are known to protect against the development of chronic diseases — they’re found amply in red wine — could be why.
  5. Lowers Risk Of Heart Disease and Stroke: Red wine tannins, which are what make red wine the color red, contain procyanidins — known for protecting against heart disease. Resveratrol also helps to remove chemicals responsible for causing blood clots, which is the primary cause of coronary disease. A daily dose of red wine cuts blood clot-related stroke rates by 50 percent.

See original article here

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