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Man Boobs, Oestrogen

Soy Foods And Lower Sperm Counts

Are you a lover of soy? If so, it’ll be very worth your while reading this brief article. In Mojo Multiplier, the ebook, you’ll see that I featured soy as one of the culprits of oestrogen and feminizing effects on men. When consumed in Asia, in its organic and fermented states and in small portions, it’s been proven to have positive effects on our health. Unfortunately, in the US, a lot of people are consuming it in massive amounts, in an unnatural and genetically modified state – and it causes major problems with men. I was hiking a few weeks ago in LA and a guy I met actually told me that his friend had developed man boobs by drinking soy milk in his protein shake after every work out. Soy itself, is a phytoestrogen – meaning a plant derived oestrogen. It mimics the effects of oestrogen in the body. Couple that with the fact that about 90% of soy in the US is genetically modified, you’ve got a double whammy of feminization coming your way! Steer clear of soy like The Plague!!

A study recently published in Human Reproduction demonstrated that intake of soy foods significantly reduces sperm counts in men.

The study is especially significant because it is the largest study in humans to examine the relationship between semen quality and phytoestrogens (plant compounds that can mimic the physiological effects of the endogenous hormone, estrogen).

Dr. Jorge Chavarro of the Harvard School of Public Health and his colleagues found that men who ate the most soy food had 41 million sperm per milliliter less than men who did not consume soy products. The normal sperm concentrations for men ranges between 80 and 120 million/ml.

The association between soy food intake and sperm concentrations was even stronger in men who were overweight or obese, and 72% of study participants were. They also found the relationship between soy foods and sperm concentration was strongest in men with “normal or high” sperm counts.

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