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5 Words That Change Everything – Tony Robbins

I wanted to share with you this article on as I wrote about this experience in The Vitality Secret, in the psychology section, as I, too, attended Date With Destiny in Florida in December. What I saw unfold before me was remarkable. The author, Bill, of this article explains 5 words that can change everything and references a couple of suicidal cases at this event. This is relevant to health, bear with me…! What isn’t mentioned in detail is that Tony Robbins helped 2 people to completely rewire their own brains in effect – to rewire their thought patterns and value and belief systems. Our thoughts can control our behaviour, our emotions, and our actions – our lives if we’re not careful. The author explains how each of these suicidal people came to life again during Tony’s intervention with them.
What isn’t mentioned is that in one case, the suicidal person’s head was tilted to one side and had a slightly lazy mouth. Tony asked him if he was always like this. His response was no. Tony asked if he was on prescription drugs and he said yes. Tony took a break and spoke to the audience about how dangerous prescription drugs can be for people who suffer from depression. In fact, for many things. For the purpose of this one, it was depression. A common side effect listed: “suicidal thoughts” – the very thing you want to alleviate. Most cases of depression can be cured with the right intervention, the right therapy. Unfortunately, prescription drugs tend to be the conventional ‘norm’ these days for most health problems. 
Over the next 10, 20, 30 minutes or so, you could see the light in this man’s eyes reappearing. Tony did this funky NLP pattern interrupt and grabbed his head and screamed in his face. (He did this at the appropriate time, don’t try this at home…) What this did was interrupted this man’s thought pattern.  Just before he did this, Tony helped the man tune into how he was before the trauma in his life. (Normally, there is some kind of trigger for depression.) Shortly after that, this man’s head started to become more upright, he was more engaged, more with it, more responsive, more him, more human, and you could see more love. I believe Tony advised that he threw away his medication. A punchy call you may agree but very powerful! 
Bill relates the experience to suffering in business and how entrepreneurs can beat themselves up. Very powerful. We can also relate this to our health. Sometimes we know we want to change but are held back by our thought patterns and belief systems. We’re effectively programmed from quite a young age and are conditioned as we go through life. Unless we change our thought patterns and belief systems, the same things will keep on appearing and showing up in our lives.  If you’re out of shape and have a strong desire to get into great shape, firstly, stop beating yourself up about it if you’re currently out of shape. Next tips are after this little citation…

Tony Robbins Shares 5 Words That Change Everything

This week, I have been completely blown away (once again!) by Tony Robbins at his Date With Destiny experience. By his own account, this event is his personal favorite, and three days into it I can see why. Tonight, I witnessed 12 people (out of over 2,500) stand up and self identify as suicidal. The first man was what any entrepreneur would consider “successful” when measuring from a business metric. But just like Robin Williams, who had economic and career success beyond what most people even dream of, this man was ready to end his life. “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure,” says Tony Robbins.

I have never witnessed anything more powerful in my life. From the incredible courage to stand up in front of thousands and admit that you are ready to end your life to the complete and utter transformation that resulted in thousands of people, myself included, crying tears of joy right along with this man who chose to end his own suffering, not through suicide, but through love and gratitude.

“I love you. Thank you.”
After going through a process of clearly understanding his own value systems (i.e., what gave him pleasure and what caused him pain), this man was transformed by five words repeated over and over again: “I love you. Thank you.” This was a shortened version of an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness known as Ho’oponopono. The original is, “I’m sorry. I love you. Please forgive me. Thank you.”

While it would be an oversimplification to say that these five words alone ended this man’s suffering and turned around his suicidal thoughts, they were the very words that ultimately led to the breakthrough he had. I was compelled to share this profound experience because far too many of my fellow entrepreneurs suffer needlessly. While pain is inevitable, suffering is not. And if the approach Tony Robbins shared can help a dozen people who were suicidal, I am certain that it can help the millions of entrepreneurs who struggle to grow and/or turn around their companies. But more importantly, by choosing to end suffering, this approach will also lead to fulfilment, which is the ultimate success.

The Three Ways to End Suffering

The good news is that it’s relatively easy to destroy your story of limiting belief. You can:

Appreciate and Enjoy
Learn and Grow
Love, Give, and Be Grateful

This is why the Ho’oponopono is so powerful. The statements, “I’m sorry. I love you. Please forgive me. Thank you,” lead to all three ways to end suffering. The core idea being a belief that everything happens for a reason, and that even the most terrible events usually offer an opportunity. Rather than focusing on our own suffering, we have an opportunity to learn from what just happened and grow because of it. The love, gratitude, and appreciation all reinforce the positive feelings we want to maintain, even when faced with incredibly difficult challenges. Read the original article on

We can apply these principles in health. In fact, at Date With Destiny, this particular day was about values and belief systems. Together with this, we all have associations that can literally control our lives. We’ll associate pleasure with things that are only pleasurable in the immediate short-term (serving instant gratification) and cause long-term pain – namely, terrible “food” with no nutritional value and excess sugary drinks and alcohol. If you get crystal clear on the body you want to create, the benefits it will bring to your life and others, why you want to create that body, and tie your reasons to people closest to you, who love you and who you love, it’s far easier to create the outcome. I’ve written a few articles on pain and pleasure. We’re motivated by the need to avoid pain and the desire to gain pleasure. We tend to be more motivated by the need to avoid pain, and instant gratification often wins. If we’re bored or stressed (pain), we’ll reach for a candy bar or muffin or alcohol drink to instantly eliminate pain.  However, when we focus on the outcome, and all the pleasure it will bring to our lives, then the “perceived” pain of the process (for example more physical activity and fewer high GI carbs and eliminating sugar) then it’s far easier to stick to a plan. I put perceived in quotes, as we often perceive exercise as a chore, yet once we’re doing it, it’s pleasurable. At least afterwards, you feel amazing. When do you ever regret a work out? And cutting out sugar and high GI carbs like grains really isn’t a challenge at all when you replace it with healthy fats that do not cause your fat storing hormone, insulin, to spike and leads to insulin resistance over time.
This article explains this whole process in more detail: How To Motivate Yourself To Get Into Peak Physical Shape.
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